GO for the Modernization of arable crop farms through the incorporation of variable dose sowing and fertilization strategies (GO Seminis)
- Type Operational group
- Execution 2018
- Assigned Budget 4.139.393,00 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Andalucía; Aragón; Asturias, Principado de; Balears, Illes; Canarias; Cantabria; Castilla y León; Castilla - La Mancha; Cataluña; Comunitat Valenciana; Extremadura; Galicia; Madrid, Comunidad de; Murcia, Región de; Navarra, Comunidad Foral de; País Vasco; Rioja, La
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
The Operational Group aims to modernise agricultural holdings producing herbaceous crops in order to improve the efficient use of their resources, with the aim of increasing their productivity, by implementing variable sowing and fertilisation strategies based on the variability of the soil within the same plot.
- Study of soil variability.
- Harvesting of the year's crops
- Comparison of results.
- SV does not reduce production
- Analytics and mapping year 2.
- Impact on the soil compared to the previous year.
- Harvesting of the year's crops
- Comparison of yields. Areas of greater or lesser production.
- Analytics and mapping year 3 that will provide causes of higher lower performance.
- Crop Harvest Year 3 that will identify the areas of highest and lowest yield.
- Comparison of the evolution of all the maps and analytics carried out throughout the project.
- Economic study of the project.
Contact information
- Name of coordinator/entity: Alfonso Carlos García Puertas
- Coordinator/entity email: agp@en1504consulting
- Alfonso Carlos García Puertas
- Agropal
- Fertibérica
- Bayer
- Farming agrícola-Amazone
- Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros Agrónomos (AINIA)
- Itagra fromación
- Agropal
- Diputación provincial de Palencia