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Photo farm: eco-sustainable farm based on photocatalytic materials

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2017
  • Assigned Budget 4.000,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Galicia
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

This Task Force is pursuing the development of a photocatalytic farm as a more environmentally friendly model, which will allow for the reduction of pollutant emissions and maintenance needs, improve productivity in farm activities and improve products, since there are numerous studies that correlate better environmental comfort with productivity, health and well-being.

The aim is to develop a programme for the creation of a more environmentally friendly farm with the incorporation of photocatalytic materials, which will consist of the implementation of photocatalytic materials in the polluting emission environments existing on current farms.

Photocatalysis is based on the natural principle of decontamination of nature itself, just like photosynthesis, thanks to sunlight, it is capable of eliminating CO2 to generate organic matter, photocatalysis eliminates other common pollutants in the atmosphere, through an oxidation process activated by solar energy (or ultraviolet light); Photocatalysis is a photochemical reaction that converts solar energy (or ultraviolet light) into chemical energy on the surface of a catalyst or substrate, consisting of a semiconductor material that accelerates the reaction rate. During the process, the elimination of most of the pollutants is promoted.

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