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Nitro-organic. Production of liquid nitrogen fertilizer from sandach

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2017
  • Assigned Budget 5.000,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Galicia
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

This Task Force is seeking to implement a new technology for recovery that complements the two biotechnologies that Ecocelta already uses to recover organic waste: composting and vermicomposting.

This new valorisation technology has as its main element the methanisation technology, necessary for obtaining sustainable liquid fertilisers based on nitrogen and which are currently in great demand in the main nursery companies in Spain, to promote productive and sustainable agriculture.

The creation of the consortium will allow contact between nursery companies that demand liquid nitrogen fertilizer and ecocelta as a producer of said fertilizer, which will allow a rapid connection of mutual needs by implementing an innovative and sustainable system in Galicia for obtaining highly effective sustainable liquid nitrogen fertilizers.

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