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Identification of methods against the Asian hornet

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2016
  • Assigned Budget 6.000,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Galicia
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

The objective of this Operational Group is to reduce the settlement and expansion of the Asian wasp and reduce the impact on the native populations of Apis Mellifera bees and Vespa Crabo wasps. To this end, the creation of a georeferenced database is proposed, a geographic information system in which the nests removed during 2015 by the association would be located, as well as the hives in the territory; also including the losses obtained by the attack of the Asian wasp on the hives of beekeepers; a comparison will be made of various methodologies for the detection of nests and knowledge of their habits, testing the efficiency of remote sensing with cameras on board RPAs, as well as with the use of infrared thermography, continuing the work of collaborating with citizens to find the greatest number of primary nests possible; The installation of microchips in the wasps themselves will be tested to obtain information about travel distances, food preferences and also the location of the nests.

As regards the direct fight against velutina, the elimination method using lasers associated with drones will be compared with the use of traps.

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