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Knowledge and governance of groundwater management in the Baix Fluvià

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2017
  • Assigned Budget 10.000,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Cataluña
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

The Task Force is pursuing a project that brings together various studies and other existing information on water issues in the municipalities of Armentera, Sant Pere Pescador, Torroella de Fluvià, Ventalló, Viladamat and Vilamacolum, which make up the Baix Fluvià region.

This problem affects both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of water, and is manifested by drops in groundwater levels, as well as a loss of water quality due mainly to the intrusion of seawater into the aquifer. Four actions are proposed to correct the situation:

  1. Creation of a Community of Water Users of Baix Fluvià.
  2. Establishment of a stable network to monitor the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the aquifer water.
  3. Development of proposals for collective management of agricultural water in the aquifer.
  4. Establishment of an information mechanism for users and all citizens to know in real time the qualitative and quantitative state of water resources in the Baix Fluvià.
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