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New systems and processes for valorisation, concentration and marketing of poplar wood

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2018
  • Assigned Budget 4.200,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Cataluña
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

The aim of this Operational Group is to establish a new business model for the sale of forest products: the public auction of standing poplar wood from plantations.

A new method that is more objective and fair for all parties involved. Where, unlike what has been done until now in Catalonia, the aim is to carry out an initial assessment of the plantations by expert technicians in order to subsequently establish a fair price for each of these plantations and subsequently, once agreed with the owner, to be able to prepare and execute the sale of different plantations in a grouped manner, thus grouping the offer and making it much more attractive for the sector, through public auctions of these plantations with different lots.

These auctions will facilitate the possibility of selling wood safely and more efficiently to foresters, while offering the market a significant amount of product that will make this market more attractive to all types of companies in the poplar sector. In addition to this valuation and sale by auction, the plan is also to monitor all forestry work carried out with the establishment of a series of contracts and conditions that ensure the correct management and execution of forestry work in the plantations.

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