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Crop monitoring and control platform using a low-cost system based on artificial intelligence

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2016
  • Assigned Budget 8.000,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Cantabria
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

This Task Force aims to implement a smart agriculture system that includes monitoring, management and integrated crop handling, using technologies based on low-cost sensors, artificial vision and manufacturing of components with 3D printing as differentiating elements from other existing solutions.


The main objective of the project, which is part of Rural Industry 4.0, is the development of a platform or intelligent agent that allows the sending of phytosanitary warnings and alerts to farmers, in order to optimize the resources and treatments necessary to combat pests and diseases that appear during the different phenological states of crops. The analysis of the phenological states of crops and production systems in different areas of Cantabria will be carried out through their monitoring, which will allow obtaining information capable of improving their added value through the interpretation of this data, providing the final product obtained in the field and in its transformation with sustainability and food safety parameters that make them worthy of a label for differentiated quality products.

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