Waterop. Water and energy optimization in the agricultural sector
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2017
- Assigned Budget 5.000,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Andalucía
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
The Operating Group aims to save energy on farms by using renewable energy (solar photovoltaic) to supply pumping units. The objective is to act as a complement to the current pumping system, so that whenever there is radiation, the group will pump water to the irrigation network at the set pressure. The photovoltaic installation will act in isolation, supplying only the variable speed drive, which in turn supplies the pumping unit. The planned photovoltaic installation will act as an energy transformation instrument that will take advantage of an inexhaustible and non-polluting source such as the sun.
Furthermore, the use of primary energy from solar sources will allow the generation of electricity to be decentralised, producing it in the same place where it is consumed and thus avoiding losses during transport. Furthermore, its use will provide the installation with greater energy autonomy and less dependence on non-renewable energy sources. An installation of this type produces, in an ecological manner, more than ten times the energy consumed in its manufacture during its useful life. The photovoltaic cells that are currently manufactured are made of silicon, a material obtained from sand and therefore very abundant, and of which significant quantities are not required. In the use phase, the environmental loads are practically negligible and do not imply emissions of toxic products.