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Agriculture 4.0 Operational Group

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2018
  • Assigned Budget 23.125,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Andalucía
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

The province of Huelva stands out for combining a privileged location with an entrepreneurial spirit that has favoured a strong orientation towards exports and leadership in areas such as organic farming, a field in which the province of Seville also stands out.

The current context requires an increase in production, managing scarce resources in an increasingly efficient manner with the aim of contributing to global sustainability. The Operational Group is established as a meeting point to promote synchronization and future planning, recognizing the activities that members maintain in parallel.

In line with the 2014-2020 PDR, the Operational Group aims to focus on the potential of our territory: organic farming, integrated production and conservation agriculture, taking into account the diagnosis carried out through the SWOT matrix and the needs detected in the document and applying measures consistent with the objectives to be achieved by agriculture in our region.

The Operational Group integrates the vision and extensive experience of entities that carry out their activities from different perspectives and firmly believes that pooling is the basis for competitive and environmental improvement in the sector, through the implementation of innovative actions.


The result will be a public dissemination document that integrates the different perspectives and an action plan for the territory.

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