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The recording and presentation of the event on the Spanish AgrifoodTEF Satellite are now available

Publication date: 18/07/2024


On July 10 , the event "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Agriculture: AgrifoodTEF project" took place at La Vega Innova , the Digital Innovation Center for the Agri-Food Sector of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food located in San Fernando de Henares (Madrid).

Application of AI in the agri-food sector

During the meeting, the Spanish node of the European AgriFoodTEF project was presented, with details about this Spanish satellite that participates in the project, along with other innovative projects that apply artificial intelligence in different subsectors of the agri-food sector .

The PRESENTATION can be accessed at the following link

And in the next one, the video of the whole EVENT

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