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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...

Dissemination day of the results of GO UBAVIDA (Sustainable strategies from the vineyard to the winery for obtaining grapes with a low sugar concentration and non-alcoholic wine)

On March 12, a day will be held to disseminate the results of the GO UBAVIDA project (Sustainable strategies from the vineyard to the winery to obtain grapes with low sugar concentration and dealcoholized wine) in hybrid format, online and in person at the Emina Ribera winery (Carretera de San Bernardo s/n, 47359 Valbuena de Duero, Valladolid). Contents: Idiomatic perception of non-alcoholic wine. Communication of results of wine descriptors and non-alcoholic wine for future consumers UBAVIDA technical advances: Results of the different protocols for the production of dealcoholized wines in Rías Baixas. Innovation in agronomic and oenological practices. Vinification with grapes with lower sugar content. Polyphenols and agronomic and oenological strategies for wine dealcoholization. Aromatic profile of wines obtained within the framework of UBAVIDA. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
event poster

Predicting vineyard water needs for sustainable use of irrigation water

The supra-regional Operational Group PRERIVID has organised a technical dissemination day that will take place in a hybrid format (in person and online via Microsoft Teams) on 11 March. PROGRAM | IN-PERSON REGISTRATION | ONLINE REGISTRATION
go4sheep logo

GO CG4SHEEP: DEMO DAY. Federated data cloud platform with artificial intelligence layer for genetic and reproductive improvement of national dairy sheep

Conference to disseminate the results of GO 4SHEEP, aimed at digitalisation and innovation in order to improve reproduction and fertility through the processing and digitalisation of data processing with artificial intelligence. The following issues will be addressed: R1: SHEEP CLOUD. DEVELOPMENT OF SECURE FEDERA PLATFORM BASED ON DATALAKE WITH ARTIFCIAL INTELLIGENCE: Gradiant R2: MIR DATA ANALYSIS AND BODY CONDITION TO EVALUATE IMPROVEMENTS IN FERTILITY: Agrama R3: DATA ANALYSIS OF REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF MALES BASED ON JUMPING RHYTHM: Assafe R4: DATA ON REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF MALES AND FERTILITY OF LAMBS BASED ON FEEDING: Confelac R5: FERTILITY DATA ANALYSIS BASED ON IMPROVED SEMEN VIABILITY: Agrama R6: DATA ANALYSIS FOR STALLION SELECTION: Assafe

HATD Webinar IPMWise Weed Control

IPMWise is a Decision Support Tool designed for precise and targeted weed control, based on field research conducted over the past six decades. Available for: Alfalfa, Lupine, Barley, Rapeseed, Chickpea, Sunflower, Pea, Broad Bean, Lentil, Corn, Soybean, Wheat, Triticale and Vetch; in this online seminar you will be able to learn how they work. Throughout the Seminar, Professor Montull will present the agronomic bases on which this HATD for Weed Control in Extensive Crops is based.
ANCCE Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española

Presentation of the results of the EQUIGENOM Operational Group

On February 19th at 6:30 pm , the Madrid College of Veterinarians (C. del Maestro Ripoll, 8, 28006 Madrid) will host the presentation of the results of the EQUIGENOM Operative Group, a key project for the application of genomics in the improvement and selection of the Purebred Spanish Horse (PRE) and the equine sector in general . This is a project led by the National Association of Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders (ANCCE) based on the application of genomics in the equine sector. The presentation will feature prominent figures from the livestock sector, as well as experts in genomics and animal production, who will present the advances achieved and the impact that genomic selection will have on the future of the sector. The results to be presented are based on the development of an economical medium-density (MD) chip (array) that simultaneously allows for the analysis of parentage with SNPs, the diagnosis of hereditary diseases, the detection of economically important traits and genomic selection in the PRE. This advance will facilitate the decision-making of breeders regarding the selection of their breeding stock and represents a significant milestone in the genetic and genomic improvement of the Purebred Spanish Horse and the equine sector. Provisional programme 18:30 h. – Opening. Activities of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and application of genomic selection in the livestock sector. Ms. Ana Rodríguez Castaño, Secretary General of Agricultural Resources and Food Security of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. 18:50 h. – Results of the GO EQUIGENOM. Importance of genomics. Impact on the equine sector and future prospects. Mrs. Arancha Rodríguez Sainz de los Terreros and Mr. Pedro Azor Ortiz, technical director and deputy technical director of the PRE Genealogical Book. 19:25 h. – Towards a New Era in Equine Selection: From Phenotype to Genomic Selection with EQUIGENOM. Ms. Mercedes Valera Córdoba, Professor of Animal Production at the University of Seville. 19:45 h. – Closing. Mr. Gabriel Rodríguez Alarcón, Animal Health Key Account Manager, Thermofisher. Mr. José Luis Urquijo y Narváez, president of the Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS). Mr. José Juan...

Digital technological innovations to improve the commercial competitiveness of extensive livestock farming and promote short distribution circuits

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The fourth of these talks focuses on the E-LocalHUB Operational Group. Digital technological innovations to improve the commercial competitiveness of extensive livestock farming and promote short distribution circuits. The planned program is as follows: 12:00 : Presentation of project objectives – Teresa Antoñanzas, RFEAGAS technical department. 12:10 : From the Field to the Screen: Opportunities and challenges of e-commerce for our breeds – Jose M. Perea (UCO) and Fernando Lianes (Teckpyma). 12:30 : Native breeds on labels: A gateway to responsible consumption – Rosa Díez, Deputy Director General of Livestock Production Resources at MAPA. ZOOM LINK

Precision livestock farming to increase sustainability and resilience in extensive farms of native breeds

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The third of these talks focuses on the SMARTFARMRANI Operational Group. Precision livestock farming to increase sustainability and resilience in extensive farms of native breeds. The planned program is as follows: 12:00 : Presentation of project objectives – Teresa Antoñanzas, RFEAGAS technical department. 12:10 : Evaluation of the environmental sustainability of heifers on extensive farms – Lola Buendía, researcher at the Cajamar Experimental Station. 12:30 : A practical approach to measure the resilience of livestock farms – Daniel Martín Collado and Alicia Prat Benhamou, researchers at CITA de Aragón. ZOOM LINK
Poster for the event Raising awareness about the role of farmers in the agri-food supply chain

Networking Event: "AKIS in Action: Raising awareness about the role of farmers in the agri-food supply chain"

On January 29, the networking event " AKIS in action: Raising Awareness of Farmers' Role in the Agri- Food Supply Chain " will take place online via Zoom . Organised by modernAKIS , the European initiative seeking to boost the modernisation of agriculture through more efficient and effective Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS), this event is part of its series of networking events "AKIS in Action" which seeks to interconnect Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) actors across Europe. The prominent role of farmers in the agri-food value chain Farmers play a crucial role in the sustainability and resilience of the agri-food supply chain, although their contributions are often underestimated. The aim of the event is to highlight the importance of farmers in this sphere. Initiatives designed to strengthen connections between farmers and other supply chain actors will be presented, fostering collaboration and innovation. The event will serve as a platform to share valuable knowledge, exchange best practices and discuss practical solutions to improve farmers’ participation and visibility in the food supply chain. Target audience Advisory Services Managers AKIS Coordinating Bodies CAP Networks Public authorities Researchers Program 10:00 – 10:10 Introduction to the modernAKIS project Elena-Teodora Miron, Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, Austria 10:10 – 10:30 Teagasc ConnectEd – a knowledge network for rural professionals in Ireland Mark Gibson, Teagasc, Ireland 10:30 – 10:50 Ja zu Nah: transparent, regional, sustainable – redefining food distribution in Austria Julia Gappmaier, Ja zu Nah GmbH JZN, Austria 10:50 – 11:10 Experience of the Slovenian Ombudsman on Food Supply Chain Martin Gosenca, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Slovenia 11:10 – 11:30 Q&A, Wrap-up and outlook to next events For any questions, please contact REGISTRATION

Development of an economical MD Chip for affiliation, disease diagnosis, genomic selection in PRE and digital tools for its use

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The second of these talks focuses on the Equigenom Task Force. Development of an economical MD Chip for parentage, disease diagnosis, genomic selection in PRE and digital tools for its use. The planned program is as follows: 12:00 : Presentation of project objectives – Juan Mª Gallardo, technical director of RFEAGAS. 12:10 : Genomics: The hidden language of DNA – Arancha Rodríguez Sainz de los Terreros, technical director of the PRE Horse Genealogical Book. 12:30 : Applications and advantages of genomics in the equine sector – Pedro Azor, technical deputy director of the PRE Horse Stud Book. ZOOM LINK
cows grazing in the field

Technological improvement in extensive cattle production in Spain

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The first of these talks focuses on the BOVIEX 4.0 Operational Group and is entitled Technological Improvement in the Production of Extensive Bovine Livestock in Spain . The programme is as follows: 12:00 Presentation of project objectives , by Juan Mª Gallardo, technical director of RFEAGAS. 12:10 Extensive cattle farming: Keys to sustainable well-being , presented by Marta Elena Alonso, professor at the Department of Animal Production at the University of León. 12:30 Remote sensing to characterize the spatial and temporal evolution of pastures , with Julio Villodre, PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from AgriSat Iberia. The day will conclude with a round of questions to encourage the exchange of ideas and perspectives. ZOOM LINK
Poster for the network of advisors in organic production

Presentation of the new Spanish Network of Advisors in Organic Production

On January 23 at 9:30, in an online format, the presentation day of the Spanish Network of Advisors in Organic Production will take place. This initiative is linked to the European project OrganicAdviceNetwork and is open to both conventional advisors who want to get started in organic production, as well as those with consolidated experience in the sector , since it is hoped to reach the largest possible number of advisors in order to create a space to learn, share and grow together. During this session the following will be announced: The objectives and activities of the Spanish network. The possibilities for participation and the commitments to be part of it. Next steps to strengthen advice on organic production in Spain. The OrganicAdviceNetwork project is funded by the European Commission (Agreement No. 101134850) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation. EVENT REGISTRATION
Labeling Standards
Cooperativas Agro-Alimentarias Castilla-La Mancha

Food Labeling, Telepresence Day

Improving the qualifications of professionals in the agri-food sector and rural areas Be aware of the general labelling requirements for agri-food companies to avoid errors or mistakes in the information provided that can cause serious harm to companies, such as product recalls, sanctions, etc. Recipients: Directors, managers, managers and food quality and safety technicians from cooperatives and food companies, preferably; and in general, consultants on food quality, safety and sustainability.

State of robotization in the agri-food sector. Session II

The second session of the webinar "State of robotization in the agri-food sector" will take place on January 14, organized by the Digitalization Observatory of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The objective of this webinar is to learn about the state of robotization in greenhouse agriculture, as well as to discuss the current reality of this issue, its benefits and challenges, and the future prospects for its mass adoption. In addition, success stories and the most recent technological advances that are driving this transformation in the agricultural sector will be analyzed. State of robotization in greenhouse agriculture José Carlos Moreno Úbeda, Professor at the University of Almería, will open the session with the presentation "Robotization in greenhouse agriculture" and, after his intervention, the round table "What is the reality of robotization in greenhouse agriculture?" will take place, in which Ramón Gil Pérez, director of the Cajamar experimental station, will act as moderator. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION LINK TO SESSION I VIDEO (held in November 2024)
agricultural robot

The new agricultural model: robotics and artificial intelligence in sustainable agriculture

Online seminar organized by Dionisio Andújar and Hugo Moreno, researchers at the CAR CSIC-UPM, and Constantino Valero, professor at the ETSIAAB, The online seminar ' The new agricultural model: robotics and artificial intelligence in sustainable agriculture' will feature international speakers who will present work and applications of modeling using artificial intelligence, sensors and robotics in agriculture. The seminar is organized by Constantino Valero , professor of the Department of Agroforestry Engineering at the Higher Technical School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB), in collaboration with Dionisio Andújar and Hugo Moreno , researchers at the Center for Automation and Robotics (CAR CSIC-UPM) . It is aimed at the entire university community, and in particular, at students of the Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering, Master's Degree in Precision Agriculture and Double Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Precision Agriculture. This is a free online seminar that can be followed via this link (Meeting ID: 867 8969 6088). PROGRAM 16:30 - 16:45: Hugo Moreno, PhD and Dionisio Andujar, PhD, CAR CSIC-UPM. (Spain). 'Introduction to AI and Robotics in PA' 16:45 - 17:15 : Gerassimos Peteinatos, PhD, ELGO DIIMITRA (Greece). ' New trends in arable crops' 17:15 - 17:45 : Nikolaos Katsenios, Agricultural University of Athens, (Greece). 'The importance of PA in arable crops' 17:45 - 18:15: Manuel Vázquez-Arellano PhD, Gent University, (Belgium). 'Crops Robotics: from PhD to entrepreneurship. A case of spin-off' 18:15 - 18:45 : Christian Rueda-Ayala, MsC, INIA, (Spain). 'AI Agril: Rapid development of solutions for Precision Agriculture' 18:45 - 19:15 : Open debate.
Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición

"Objective: Listeria under control" conference

On December 17, the Ernest Lluc Hall of the Ministry of Health will host a conference organized by the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) on various aspects of the control of Listeria monocytogenes in food and the challenges it poses for food safety. Registrations are reopened due to increased capacity. A link to follow the event online will be published a few days before the event, for which registration is not required. Final program
Tierra plataforma digital agroalimentaria

From the winery to the consumer: challenges and opportunities for wine

The main objective of this event is to bring together key leaders and professionals in the wine sector to analyse in depth the current outlook and prepare strategies for the peak sales season and other decisive moments of the year. During the event, key topics will be discussed, such as wine production projections , consumer trends in national and international markets, and price expectations in different product categories. In addition, the opportunities offered by new marketing channels, especially e-commerce, and their impact on the expansion of the sector will be explored . The meeting will also be a platform to examine the challenges facing the industry in a competitive and constantly evolving global environment, offering a space for the exchange of ideas and collaboration between the different actors in the value chain. This approach will allow the identification of innovative solutions and strengthen the position of the sector in the face of future challenges. Webinar: free

Webinar on food shelf life: adapting to new consumption trends

New consumer trends are evolving rapidly, driven by changes in technology, sustainability and consumer preferences. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their purchases, and mental and physical health is a priority, favoring the consumption of products that promote well-being, healthy foods and self-care experiences. New alternative ingredients are being introduced into food manufacturing, food analogues (meat) whose consumption is decreasing, as well as new cooking/consumption practices that could have a direct impact on consumer food safety. The webinar “Shelf life of food: adapting to new consumer trends” to be held on December 10 will present these changes in habits and new developments, as well as their associated microbiological and physical-chemical risks and how to deal with them. Goals To raise awareness about new purchasing, consumption and cooking habits, as well as new alternative ingredients and similar foods, according to the latest AINIA 2024 Barometer. To delve deeper into the microbiological risks associated with new food consumption trends. To delve deeper into the physical-chemical risks associated with new ingredients and analogous foods. Addressed to R&D and Quality technicians from food companies. Webinar for professionals only. Methodology 1h15 webinar, starting at 11:00 CET (Spanish time) and ending at 12:15. Registration closes on December 9th at 16:00 . After registering, you will receive a first confirmation email from us, and another from the GoToWebinar platform with the link to connect. If you have not received it the day before, please contact us. Program Introduction and presentation of the AINIA Consumer Barometer «Microbiological shelf-life studies. Risks associated with new consumption habits». Laura Verdú, Microbiology Laboratory. Food Quality and Safety, AINIA «Physical-chemical shelf-life studies. Stability of foods with new ingredients». Sandra Leiva, Chemical Laboratory. Food Quality and Safety, AINIA Questions and conclusions
EU Agrifood Days

The second edition of the EU Agri-Food Days is coming in December 2024!

From 10 to 12 December 2024 , Brussels will host the second edition of the EU Agri-Food Days . This annual event brings together key players in the agri-food sector from across the European Union to discuss the latest trends in agriculture, policy options and market developments, as well as the impact of research, innovation and digital technologies on the future of European agriculture. Over three days, the event will provide a unique platform for dialogue between stakeholders in the agri-food system, civil society, academia and policy makers. EU Agri-Food Days Programme The future of agriculture and food in the EU. Farmers' perspectives on modern agriculture. Position of farmers in the food value chain. Agricultural market outlook in the EU. Sustainable competitiveness and trade policies for food sovereignty. Research, innovation and digitalisation in the agri-food sector. Challenges and opportunities for young farmers. Practical information: Dates: December 10 - 12, 2024. Location: Brussels, Belgium. Live streaming: available without prior registration. Organizer: EU Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development. Social media: Follow the event with the hashtag #EUAgriFoodDays . This event will provide an opportunity to reflect on the current and future challenges of the European agri-food sector, and how policies such as the CAP and the European Green Deal can help build a greener, fairer and more competitive agriculture.
Tierra plataforma digital agroalimentaria

Pitaya in greenhouse with NGS cultivation system

Pitaya is an exotic fruit that is beginning to be cultivated in Spain with very high expectations. This conference will present the results obtained with the NGS pitaya cultivation system developed by New Growing System after three study campaigns (2022-2023 and 2024). Aspects related to the entry into production, yields and quality of the harvest obtained with the self-compatible Caramel Desert varieties and pollination systems will also be addressed . The facilities with the pitaya cultivation will be visited.
world soil day
Asesores de Aragón

The role of ground covers in woody crops

On the occasion of World Soil Day 2024: Take care of soils. Measure, monitor, manage. Speaker: Manuel López Vicente, Professor of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. EPS Huesca In-person for students requesting credit recognition/ Online. Register here Collaborators: Official College of Agricultural Engineers Aragon-Navarra-Basque Country and the Territorial Delegation of Aragon of the Spanish Society of Soil Science (SECS) PROGRAM 13:00h Presentation by Dr. María Videgain, member of the governing board of the College, professor and researcher at the EPS of Huesca, University of Zaragoza. 13:05h Presentation of the DMS by Dr. David Badía Villas, professor of the Area of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, at the EPS of Huesca, and President of the DT Aragón-SECS. 13:10h Talk by Dr. Manuel López Vicente, PPL at EPS Huesca entitled “Sustainable soil management in woody crops” . This talk presents the changes that living and inert covers generate in agricultural soils for permanent crops, such as olive groves and vineyards. Special emphasis is placed on the measurement and monitoring of the hydrological properties of the soil, complemented by aspects of soil fertility and biology; case results will be offered both for Aragon and other communities. With the data obtained, it is possible to achieve better agronomic management, which is essential for environmental sustainability, to optimize management, resources and to boost the profitability of farms. 14:00 h. Appetizer, courtesy of the Official College of Agricultural Engineers of Aragon, Navarre and the Basque Country.