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Effect of a grapevine shoot waste extract on red wine aromatic properties:

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    Maria J Ruiz-Moreno, Rafaela Raposo, Belén Puertas, Francisco J Cuevas, Fabio Chinnici, Jose M Moreno-Rojas, Emma Cantos-Villar|Fuente Wiley Online Library

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The use of a grapevine-shoot extract (VIN) is being studied as an alternative to sulfur dioxide (SO2). VINstabilizes anthocyanins and preserves polyphenolic compounds, and thus improves chromatic wine properties. In this study,selected aroma compounds (esters, C13-norisoprenoids, oxidation and vine-shoot-related compounds), sensory analysis andthe olfactometric profile were determined in the wines treated with VIN at two concentrations