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Training courses


course poster
Consejo de Colegios de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas
Free training in digital skills related to Agricultural Engineering
With a pre-registration period ending on February 7, the Council of Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers has launched a comprehensive training program in digital skills aimed at registered
AI illustration with food
Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector
Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture
Key reasons to attend this course Gain knowledge about various types of pests, including phytophagous insects, plant pathogens, weeds and their impact on agriculture and forestry. Learn about modern
Do you want to know the shelf life of food?
Virtual course, includes individual tasting (pending information)
Agrarian valuation
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Castilla y León y Cantabria.

Agricultural valuation: Concepts and their practical application

Knowing the real value of things requires constant assessment. This value can vary depending on the purpose of the property. Sometimes, knowing this value helps us decide whether or not to make certain investments (purchase, sale, lease, etc.). This course will study the different existing purposes, as well as the application of the different

Environmental impact and waste management in cattle

Types of organic material generated on livestock farms. Storage, treatments and uses. What does the contribution of organic matter mean for our soils? Existing and future regulations.
Olive grove gasification course at Puerta de Segura

Conference on the application of gasification in the use of olive by-products

3-hour session in which the following contents will be addressed: Description of what gasification is. The application of gasification to the use of olive by-products and olive oil. The application of biochar as an organic soil amendment.
eco circ
Metodo - Formación

Free online course Integrating the circular economy into business management

Free online course on integrating the circular economy into business management for workers in the Region of Murcia . This course has a final face-to-face exam to be taken at our headquarters in Murcia ( C/ Sierra Carbonera 3-5 bajo ). Related occupations and positions: senior technicians in business organization and administration, management and
Olive grove gasification course

Conference on the application of gasification in the use of olive by-products

3-hour session in which the following contents will be addressed: Description of what gasification is. The application of gasification to the use of olive by-products and olive oil. The application of biochar as an organic soil amendment.

Animal welfare in pigs

With this course you will learn the regulations regarding pig welfare and their handling and breeding conditions, as well as the cleaning and disinfection protocols for facilities and vehicles. UNIT 1: WELL-BEING IN PIGS Chapter 1. Introduction Topic 1. Regulations Topic 2. Definition Chapter 2. Anatomy, physiology and ethology Topic 1. Anatomy

Agricultural sector: how to evaluate and assess damage to cereal crops

Agricultural insurance as an instrument for risk management. The expert appraisal and the appraiser. Grain Insurance: Coverage and appraisal.
vineyard illustrating low-cost analysis course in winery

Interpretation of oenological analyses and performance of simple, low-cost analyses in the winery

Eminently practical course in which the analysis of the results of the analyses received will be worked on, as well as what data can be obtained by oneself in the winery (total acidity, pH, volatile acidity, free sulfur, etc.)
olive grove

Conference on the application of gasification in the use of olive by-products

3-hour session in which the following contents will be addressed: Description of what gasification is. The application of gasification to the use of olive by-products and olive oil. The application of biochar as an organic soil amendment.
Olive grove gasification course in Estepa

Conference on the application of gasification in the use of olive grove by-products

3-hour session in which the following contents will be addressed: Description of what gasification is. The application of gasification to the use of olive by-products and olive oil. The application of biochar as an organic soil amendment.
sustainable tutoring course

Practical workshop "Sustainable tutoring: changes for a circular economy"

This event will include a theoretical part that will take place in the IFAPA-Centro La Mojonera auditorium (Almería) and a practical part guided by those responsible for the Recicland project. Among its contents: Problems in the use of plastic materials for staking and replacement needs. Separation and reuse practices using plastic raffia
Poster for the Decentralized Biocomposting Course

Design of decentralized biowaste and composting management systems

With registration open until REGISTRATION OPEN UNTIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 AT 2:00 PM, this blended course covers the following topics: Agrocomposting and other decentralized composting options Costs, savings and rates Facility design Participatory dynamics for design, optimization and communication: Mater Menu. Monitoring and control of occupational
Olive grove gasification course in Cabra

Conference on the application of gasification in the use of olive by-products

3-hour session in which the following contents will be addressed: Description of what gasification is. The application of gasification to the use of olive by-products and olive oil. The application of biochar as an organic soil amendment.
Course on Sustainable Management of Waste and By-Products in the Dairy Industry

Sustainable management of waste and by-products in the dairy industry

40-hour theoretical and practical online training that addresses the management of waste and by-products in the dairy industry. Content Introduction to sustainable management of waste and by-products – 5 hours Sustainability regulations and strategies – 5 hours Types of waste and by-products – 10 hours Sustainable waste and by-product management

Specialized training in Dehesa

40-hour course in which different aspects and topics related to the pasture are addressed: context, characterization, conservation, pests and diseases, renewal and regeneration of trees, livestock use, etc. PROGRAM | APPLICATION deadline until 09/18/2024 | INFORMATION and QUESTIONS at
IFAPA logo

Cross-training for farm advisory services

100-hour blended course for Advisors that addresses topics such as integrated pest management, soil characterization, beneficial agricultural practices, occupational risks and methodology for advice. PROGRAM | APPLICATION deadline until 09/09/2024 | INFORMATION and QUESTIONS at
IFAPA logo

Cross-training for farm advisory services

100-hour blended course for Advisors that addresses topics such as integrated pest management, soil characterization, beneficial agricultural practices, occupational risks and methodology for advice. PROGRAM | APPLICATION deadline until 09/09/2024 | INFORMATION and QUESTIONS at
Workshop on biosolarization with biocidal crops
IFAPA. Junta de Andalucía.

Workshop on biosolarization with biocidal crops

5-hour workshop focused on the practice of biosolarization with vegetable crop residues in greenhouses. Contents Practical experience of chopping green manures and incorporating them into the soil in an experimental greenhouse. Circular economy with insects as a tool to develop pathogen-suppressing soils Biocidal crops for improving greenhouse soil
Itragra course installation of hives in Akisplataforma
Asociación palentina de agricultores e ITAGRA Formación

Introduction to beekeeping. Set up your own apiary

The 30 hours of training cover the basic knowledge required for managing beehives, the diversity of crops and farms, the promotion of biodiversity and the creation of employment in rural environments. Contents Bee biology. Morphology and social organization of the hive. Apiary products and extraction of honey, pollen, jelly, propolis and wax Flora
itagra ecoregimens course on akisplataforma
ITAGRA Formación

Eco-regimes oriented to grassland surfaces

Online training activity lasting 12 hours, which addresses the improvement of management and sustainability of pasture surfaces and expands on practical concepts for applying practices to be carried out on pasture surfaces included in the CAP eco-regimes. Content Eco-regimes on grassland surfaces “Carbon Farming and Agroecology on grassland