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Training courses


course poster
Consejo de Colegios de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas
Free training in digital skills related to Agricultural Engineering
With a pre-registration period ending on February 7, the Council of Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers has launched a comprehensive training program in digital skills aimed at registered
AI illustration with food
Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector
Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture
Key reasons to attend this course Gain knowledge about various types of pests, including phytophagous insects, plant pathogens, weeds and their impact on agriculture and forestry. Learn about modern
Do you want to know the shelf life of food?
Virtual course, includes individual tasting (pending information)
Gobierno de Canarias

Ecological soil management

Raise awareness of the complexity of soil as a system and the importance of maintaining its health. Understand the main physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, their interrelation and importance in maintaining its fertility and health. Understand the importance of soil structure, carbon and nitrogen cycles as integral parts of soil
young farmers course

Young Farmers Course in Aragon

Course for Farmers in Aragon for incorporation into an Agricultural Company accredited by the Government of Aragon dated 10/07/2018 and validated by the Agri-Food Innovation and Transfer Service of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon according to article 13.2 of the Order of December 17, 2017, with
fecoam course

Global GAP – GRASP and SPRING subsidized course

Global GAP – GRASP and SPRING subsidized course Fecoam's Training department is organizing the 'Global GAP- GRASP and SPRING' course through subsidized training. DATES AND TIMES January 16, 2025 Opening hours: From 09:30h to 14:30h DURATION AND MODALITY 5 hours – Microsoft Teams Virtual Classroom COURSE CONTENTS GLOBALG.AP IFA V6 GFS and Smart

How to fill out the digital operating notebook

Practical explanation of how to complete the new digital notebook for our agricultural holdings and their integration into the Information System for Agricultural, Livestock and Agricultural Production Holdings (SIEX).

Basic course on occupational risk prevention in the agricultural sector

Addressed to: Business owners in the agricultural and livestock sector who personally undertake preventive activities on their farms, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 39/1997. Workers in the sector who perform basic level functions in occupational risk prevention. People who want to acquire basic knowledge in occupational risk
efficiency and sustainability in livestock farming

Efficiency and sustainability in livestock farming

Synchronous online course of 5 sessions, explaining how to optimize production efficiency on farms to contribute to improving sustainability , and how this process works in both directions. In addition, the level of sustainability of livestock production in Spain will be analyzed, focusing on the pig , beef and dairy cattle sectors, as well as

Specialized training in Dehesa

40-hour course in which different aspects and topics related to the pasture are addressed: context, characterization, conservation, pests and diseases, renewal and regeneration of trees, livestock use, etc. PROGRAM | APPLICATION deadline until 09/18/2024 | INFORMATION and QUESTIONS at
rural cat logo

Qualified level course for handler and applicator of phytosanitary products

60-hour course that offers general and specific training on the use and handling of phytosanitary products, which in turn allows you to obtain the qualified level phytosanitary product handler and applicator card required by current regulations. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION between 06/24/2024-07/03/2024 | INFORMATION and contact at Mas Bové Agrarian
Land management tools. Geographic information systems with software (GvSIG)

Land management tools. Geographic information systems with software (GvSIG)

Free 210-hour online course aimed at active professionals in the agricultural sector throughout Spain. This training covers two key points: How to apply Geographic Information Systems to Land Management, Spatial Planning and Environmental Management How to tackle the most common tasks required of a GIS. This is a fully subsidized training for
Personnel working with cattle (Royal Decree 1053/2022)
Simbiosis, S. Coop. Galega

Personnel working with cattle (Royal Decree 1053/2022)

20-hour course + in-person exam (depending on the CC.AA.) Since January 1, 2020, according to Royal Decree 1053/2022, all persons working with cattle on farms must have adequate and sufficient training. This course covers the training required by people who work with cattle on farms, as established by the Royal Decree for farms of this type
Hazi logo

How to fill out the digital exploitation notebook

Practical explanation of how agricultural farms must be integrated into the Information System for Agricultural, Livestock and Agricultural Production Farms (SIEX). Aimed at owners of agricultural exploitation and representatives of companies related to said activity PROGRAM

Specialized training in new trends in crops

30-hour course in which new, especially sustainable crops, crop recovery, aromatic and medicinal plants and other booming crops are analyzed. PROGRAM | APPLICATION deadline until 04/24/2024 | INFORMATION and QUESTIONS at
rural cat logo

Basic fertilizer applicator course

20-hour course in which participants will learn the basics of crop fertilization, storage, transportation and sampling of livestock manure, fertilizer distribution: choice, regulation and safety, agricultural application and regulatory framework and will see practical cases of calculating doses of nutrients and fertilizers for extensive crops
INTIA logo

Animal welfare in poultry farming

Course to train attendees to apply the rules of the Royal Decree on poultry management: regulations, animal welfare, morphology and physiology, housing systems, biosecurity, environmental management PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | Information and contact 948 013058
Hazi Logo

Transport and animal welfare

Course in which different aspects related to the animals that are transported will be analyzed, from their anatomy to their safety and well-being, and the new legislation in this regard and the obligations and duties that it entails for transporters will be announced.
Hazi Logo

New obligations in fertilization

The implications that the new legislation has for the fertilization of crop fields will be discussed: Royal Decree 1051/2022, of December 27, which establishes standards for sustainable nutrition in agricultural soils. - Royal Decree 1054/2022, of December 27, which establishes and regulates the Information System for agricultural and livestock
ECOVALIA organic farming course poster

Ecological agriculture

40-hour online course that aims to offer the necessary knowledge to convert a farm to organic production. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | INFORMATION and CONTACT, 34955018961 and
ECOVALIA organic production course cover

Ecological production

80-hour online training for professionals who wish to manage a farm in organic production, which aims to offer the necessary knowledge to be able to manage a farm in organic production. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | INFORMATION and CONTACT, 34955018961 and
training for rural areas

Pesticides for agricultural use, qualified level

Aimed at professional users responsible for terrestrial treatments, including non-agricultural ones, and for farmers carrying out treatments using auxiliary personnel. PROGRAM | Contact: 924102080 | Check other dates here
person keyboard laptop
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

Advice Course in Organic Agriculture

The objective of this online course of the Virtual Campus of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is to offer an overview of the regulation of organic agricultural production, and the basic foundations of this type of production. INSCRIPTION