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Training courses


course poster
Consejo de Colegios de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas
Free training in digital skills related to Agricultural Engineering
With a pre-registration period ending on February 7, the Council of Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers has launched a comprehensive training program in digital skills aimed at registered
AI illustration with food
Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector
Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture
Key reasons to attend this course Gain knowledge about various types of pests, including phytophagous insects, plant pathogens, weeds and their impact on agriculture and forestry. Learn about modern
Do you want to know the shelf life of food?
Virtual course, includes individual tasting (pending information)
Galician food cluster logo
Clúster Alimentario de Galicia (CLUSAGA)

Dairy Technology

The objective of the 60-hour in-person course is to promote knowledge about the quality of milk, its structure and its composition, fundamental knowledge in its transformation into dairy products, as well as delve into the technologies and processes that will be applied during it. . PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | INFORMATION and CONTACT, Inés Rodríguez
logo General Council of Official Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers of Spain
Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas de España

The Role of the Expert in Combined Agricultural Insurance: A Key Piece in the Protection of the Agricultural Sector

Technical conference on agricultural insurance with the participation of public institutions and expert experts. PROGRAM | REGISTRATIONS
Hazi Logo

New obligations in fertilization

The implications that the new legislation has for the fertilization of crop fields will be discussed: Royal Decree 1051/2022, of December 27, which establishes standards for sustainable nutrition in agricultural soils. - Royal Decree 1054/2022, of December 27, which establishes and regulates the Information System for agricultural and livestock
agri-food training logo
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

Application of energy efficiency and sustainability methodologies in the use of water for irrigation

In recent years, energy efficiency methodologies, such as photovoltaics and others, have been applied, as well as water use from a sustainable point of view, having implemented new applications endorsed by the University and companies in the Sector. It is about transmitting these techniques and sharing the experiences acquired by the Ministry of
food labeling course poster
Simbiosis, S. Coop. Galega

Labeling of foods of animal origin

50-hour online course in which the specific aspects of labeling of all products of animal origin will be covered: labeling of meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, eggs and egg products, and fishery products, and the legislation of labeling of foods of animal origin. PROGRAM | INFORMATION and CONTACT, /
logo Spanish Association of Conservation Agriculture Living Soils
Asociación Española Agricultura de Conservación Suelos Vivos

Vegetable covers in vineyard. Keys for its implementation and development within the framework of the CAP eco-regimes

Theoretical and practical course in which the knowledge of plant covers in vineyards is deepened and the key aspects on how to successfully implement the covers, their management, moments of optimal control, specific machinery, as well as issues to take into account will be explained. in the management of the vineyard under this practice. In
poster of the course implementation of the self-control system in the ecological company

Implementation of the Self-Control System in the Ecological Company

80-hour online course that offers participants knowledge about organic production and guidelines for advice on European regulation on organic production, food certification processes and self-control systems for organic companies under EU standards. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | INFORMATION and CONTACT, 34608812946 and
CLM agri-food cooperative course poster
Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de Castilla-La Mancha

Sustainability and precision agriculture

Course in which the application of technology in agriculture is analyzed to obtain data that allows us to understand the variations of soil and crops under the principles established in terms of sustainability. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and information at 926545200 /

Welfair auditors course for chickens and chicken slaughter. 2024

The training of qualified auditors in animal welfare inspection according to Welfare Quality protocols is an essential requirement to guarantee the quality of the certification. IRTA periodically organizes training and qualification courses for auditors in collaboration with the different experts of the Welfare Quality Network. Price: €1090+VAT
logo Training and Technology Transfer Service of the Region of Murcia

Introduction to beekeeping

20-hour in-person course that aims to show updated procedures for the maintenance and preservation of this type of production as another activity to take into account when diversifying the production of an agricultural holding. PROGRAM | Integrated Training and Experience Center Agracias de Lorca
logo Training and Technology Transfer Service of the Region of Murcia

Basic principles of composting agricultural waste

25-hour in-person course on the management of agricultural and livestock waste and by-products through composting: basic principles and phases of the composting process. PROGRAM | PLACE: CIFEA in Torre Pacheco, Murcia
logo Training and Technology Transfer Service of the Region of Murcia

Incorporation. Conditionality

The objective of the 10-hour in-person course is to introduce farmers and ranchers, young farmers and ranchers, forest owners, other land managers and SMEs in rural areas of the Region of Murcia, the concept of conditionality in the areas of the environment, good agricultural and environmental conditions, public and phytosanitary health, animal
Organic Livestock Farming Course Poster

Organic livestock

40-hour online course that aims to offer the necessary knowledge to convert your farm to organic production. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | INFORMATION and CONTACT, 34955018961 and
traceability course poster
Simbiosis, S. Coop. Galega

Traceability in companies in the food sector

40-hour online course on traceability of special interest to those who work in the food sector (Veterinarians, Agricultural Engineers, Biologists and related professions) and wish to implement a traceability system in a company. This course is accredited by the National Health System with 4.8 credits of continuing education for Graduates/Degrees in

Water and nitrogen control in agricultural production

10-hour in-person course that aims to train and familiarize sector technicians with the results of analyzes on soil, water and fertilizers provided to the facilities to carry out nitrogen balance calculations and doses of nitrogen to be provided in the plots taking into account the implementation of the new technology that exists in this regard
ECOVALIA organic production course cover

Ecological production

80-hour online training for professionals who wish to manage a farm in organic production, which aims to offer the necessary knowledge to be able to manage a farm in organic production. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | INFORMATION and CONTACT, 34955018961 and
Galician food cluster logo
Clúster Alimentario de Galicia (CLUSAGA)

Specialization in Business Innovation Management

The main objective of the in-person Course is to train innovation managers so that they are capable of carrying out both the strategic approach to innovation and its subsequent take-off and monitoring in any company. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | INFORMATION and CONTACT, Inés Rodríguez,, 981 556 062
wine school logo of the interprofessional wine organization of Spain
Escuela de vino de la Organización Interprofesional del Vino de España (OIVE)

Appellations of origin with Atlantic influence

Course to learn about the characteristics of wines from the Denominations of Origin of northern Spain and the Canary Islands.
wine school logo of the interprofessional wine organization of Spain
Escuela de vino de la Organización Interprofesional del Vino de España (OIVE)

Cold-temperate climate vine varieties

10-hour online course in which you learn about the special characteristics of the grape varieties best adapted to the climates of northern Spain and mountainous areas, their morphology, the wines they produce and the most successful gastronomic harmonies.
agri-food training logo
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

Advice on organic farming

Free course that offers an overview of the regulation of organic agricultural production, and the basic foundations of this type of production. The course can be taken within 45 days after enrolling in the Massive Ministry Course Campus . GENERAL COURSE PROGRAM : Introduction to organic farming EU regulations and control. PEPAC Period Practical