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Training courses


course poster
Consejo de Colegios de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas
Free training in digital skills related to Agricultural Engineering
With a pre-registration period ending on February 7, the Council of Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers has launched a comprehensive training program in digital skills aimed at registered
AI illustration with food
Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector
Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture
Key reasons to attend this course Gain knowledge about various types of pests, including phytophagous insects, plant pathogens, weeds and their impact on agriculture and forestry. Learn about modern
Do you want to know the shelf life of food?
Virtual course, includes individual tasting (pending information)

Crop diversification technical day

Contents (8 hours): Cultural techniques Pests, diseases and physiopathies Commercialization
phytosanitary applicator
Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural de Cantabria

Phytosanitary applicator

Content: (22 hours) REGISTRATION AND CONTACT : / Tel. 942 882 737
tree and landscape

Requirements for traders and users of phytosanitary products (ROPO, RETO)

CONTINGUTS (3 p.m.): 1. Mark regulations and application of Royal Decree 1311/2012. 2. Creation and operation of the Official Registry of Producers and Operators of Phytosanitary Defense Measures (ROPO). 3. Figure of the assessor in integrated pest management (IPM) (gardening and agricultural field). 4. Training of professional users. Issuance

Good practice conferences on agricultural waste management - biodiversity: collection and conservation of seeds for the self-management of hedges.

Contents (4 hours) : Benefits and self-management of hedges to promote biodiversity. Identification and collection of native seeds.
Integration of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus approach in Mediterranean irrigated agricultureIntegration of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus approach in Mediterranean irrigated agriculture

Integration of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus approach in Mediterranean irrigated agriculture

Key reasons to attend this course Get deep insights into the complex challenges surrounding the WEFE nexus in Mediterranean irrigated agriculture and its implications for food security and nature preservation Understand the nature and complexities of trade-offs between WEFE components in a changing environment Analyze the energy implications of
Formación Agrónomos

IV Edition. QGIS Online Course applied to precision agriculture. Level 1.

COURSE PRESENTATION The course program that we now propose is based on the presentation of free software known as QGIS. The QGIS program has a series of basic functionalities similar to other GIS programs but it has very interesting extra functionalities that differentiate it from them and that, either, can complement the GIS with which you
Assessment and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture: concepts, methods and simulation tools

Assessment and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture: concepts, methods and simulation tools

Reasons to attend the course Obtain up-to-date knowledge of international processes for notification, elimination of GHG emissions and C removal in agriculture; Gain a better understanding of the sources and factors that control GHG emissions and carbon sequestration in cropping systems; Have an overview of state-of-the-art methods for measuring
Formación Agrónomos

Agricultural valuation. Concepts and their practical application

COURSE PRESENTATION Knowing the real value of things continually requires valuation. This value may vary depending on its purpose. Sometimes, knowing this value helps us decide whether or not to make certain investments (purchase, sale, lease, etc...). Through this course, the different existing purposes will be studied, as well as the application
Formación Agrónomos

Calculation of the carbon footprint and the water footprint

COURSE PRESENTATION The agri-food system is one of the main sectors responsible for environmental degradation. Today, it is the largest user of freshwater globally: agriculture accounts for 70% of the world's extracted freshwater. The food system is also responsible for between 21% and 37% of total greenhouse gas emissions. The water footprint and
Formación Agrónomos

Course on practical results in cereal management through precision agriculture. Weed control solutions

COURSE PRESENTATION Precision agriculture unifies technology and agronomic knowledge to achieve sustainable and efficient agriculture without losing productive capacity. It integrates new technologies that allow yields to be maintained with a smaller amount of inputs, making its production more efficient and sustainable. Through the variable
Online course: Plant health in organic horticultural crops

Online course: Plant health in organic horticultural crops

REGISTRATION FORM The continuous growth of organic production that is being experienced both nationally and internationally, highlights the not-so-distant future of agriculture and livestock. This growth is also strengthened by the greater environmental awareness that citizens have and that, as consumers, they demand quality products without
Online course: Management of vegetal covers in organic production

Online course: Management of vegetal covers in organic production

REGISTRATION FORM There is a growing interest among farmers to increase knowledge about the management of plant covers to achieve maximum effectiveness. On the one hand, adventitious weeds are generally presented as the main reluctance to convert to organic, since they require a lot of labor to control. On the other hand, there is a lack of
Course for the use of phytosanitary products - basic level

Course for the use of phytosanitary products - basic level

Registration until June 9, 2023 Organized by: Aratria Asesores, SL. Number of attendees: 20. Dates: June 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, 2023. Hours: Every day from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Venue: Theoretical and practical classes will be held at the La Alfranca Training Center - Fundación Ramón Rey Ardid, Casa 6, calle de la Alfranca, 7, CP 50195 Pastriz
Blended course for the use of phytosanitary products - basic level

Blended course for the use of phytosanitary products - basic level

Registration until June 8, 2023 Organized by: Aratria Asesores, SL. Number of attendees: 20. Start dates: June 9, 2023. End date: June 27, 2023. In-person session: June 27, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Venue of the in-person event: Jorge Guillén, 3, local (50018) Zaragoza. Participants: Aimed at auxiliary
Online Course on Sustainability in agricultural production

Online Course on Sustainability in agricultural production

Only for students from the Valencian Community with links to the agri-food sector The word sustainability has gone, in just a few years, from being used in very restricted circles to being used profusely in the media and in our conversations. It is applied in all areas of society, as reflected by the fact that even the UN has established the 17
irrigation course image

Calculation of water needs and irrigation programming

The global strategy to guarantee the supply of food to the current population inevitably contemplates a parallel increase in agricultural production , but with increasingly limited resources. Water is one of them and climate change will only intensify the current situation of scarcity. The main objective of irrigation is to complete the water needs
Training, equality and rejuvenation of governing councils

Training, equality and rejuvenation of governing councils

2023 action program aimed at carrying out training, equality and rejuvenation activities of governing councils of agri-food cooperatives in business matters to improve their professionalization and the exercise of their functions By virtue of the Agreement between Agri-Food Cooperatives of Spain and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food;instance=20230516000000?popup=1

New regulations on organic production

On January 1, 2022, RE 2018/848, on organic production and labeling of organic products, came into force to continue guaranteeing products with high added value, healthy, nutritious and safe for health and the environment. These seminars will address the main changes in plant and livestock production, transformation and also labeling, being of
Cooperatives Agroalimentaries CV

Occupational risks in the Agricultural Sector

GOALS Analyze the stability of the agricultural tractor against overturning. Know the indicators that allow evaluating said stability. Respect the physical foundations of the factors causing the instability that can cause a rollover accident. Know how to apply preventive measures and safety rules while driving. Understand the main causes that can

Summer pruning in fruit trees

Green or summer pruning of fruit trees is a complementary technique to winter pruning. This term encompasses the set of tasks necessary to carry out in the vegetative period to maintain the balance between vegetation and fruit production. Starting from a theoretical base where we will learn the basic concepts of plant physiology of the fruit tree