IV Edition. QGIS Online Course applied to precision agriculture. Level 1.
The course program that we now propose is based on the presentation of free software known as QGIS.
The QGIS program has a series of basic functionalities similar to other GIS programs but it has very interesting extra functionalities that differentiate it from them and that, either, can complement the GIS with which you currently work, or, if you do not know no GIS is a very good option when deciding which GIS software to choose to start working with.
This is an introductory course in the management of geographic information systems, especially indicated for engineers who carry out their activity in the rural world and other professionals who usually have the need to manage any type of information about a given territory.
This is a software that, in addition to being free, is characterized by having a simple interface and at the same time powerful enough to be able to develop tools for managing territorial information, both geographical and alphanumeric.
QGIS can work with data of various formats ( gml, dxf, kml, shape,...) in addition to having tools to work as an advanced remote information client (WMS, WFS...) located on data servers so that it can be accessed. different services such as the Cadastre, Cartographic Institute, as well as allowing the visualization of all Google Maps cartography.
Among its functionalities that differentiate it from the rest, it is worth highlighting: creation of standardized data entry forms , export to KML to view and locate your cartography in Google Earth and on mobile devices, management of satellite/plane/drone images for index calculations. vegetation vigor (Remote Sensing), the automation of printing multiple plans at the same time (all properties in a parcel), generation of GML files for cadastral graphic validation , etc.
Now you have the opportunity to discover how geographic information will be managed in the nearest future and you can learn it with a completely free tool, install it on your computer or laptop and practice with it from the first moment.
This course is especially indicated for technicians/engineers who carry out their activity in the agricultural world and other professionals who usually have the need to manage any type of information about the territory with a clearly rural orientation, whether individuals: fruit companies, designers of irrigation, as technical services of the administration: Department of Agriculture; or other institutions such as agricultural cooperatives, irrigation communities, ADV, designations of origin, etc. And to students who want to consolidate their knowledge of GIS.
Throughout the course we will have the opportunity for the user to learn and use the QGIS program, so that they can get the most out of it in the daily exercise of the activity or in leisure.
The agenda that we have decided to consolidate once the course is finished is the following:
- Learn about the free cartography available and download it from the websites of the National Geographic Institute (IGN), Cartographic Institute of Catalonia (ICGC), Cadastre, Hipermapa and the Open Data website of the Generalitat.
- Creation of own cartography from scratch on orthophotos to be able to create our own GIS through: digitization of all properties, inventory of constructions (warehouses, sheds, etc.,...) and infrastructure (pipe system, hydrants, wells,...).
- Fusion of our information contained in Excel tables with Cadastral/SIGPAC graphic information. Useful for technicians who manage many plots.
- Create data entry forms in your parcel: with buttons and drop-down menus with default options to speed up and make data entry more comfortable (photographs taken in the field can be added). It can be used, for example, to add extra information to cadastral parcels or SIGPAC enclosures: species present, variety, owner name, plantation framework, presence/absence of irrigation, fertilizer, production kg/ha in different years, etc...
- Creation of color thematic maps based on variables of interest.
- Know the elevations of the plots from the Digital Terrain Model.
- Convert any cartography for viewing in the Google Earth (GE) program. GE is a well-known software that, due to its simplicity, is widely used, and that will allow us to see what we are viewing in our GIS, in addition to making a 3D perspective and thus seeing what the terrain relief is in the area that interests us.
- Add Google Maps cartography as a background base map. It allows us to visualize any place in the world without leaving our GIS program and we can draw plots and measure their surface.
- Load and view the cartography created by us on our mobile device (tablet/smartphone) with Google Maps and be able to locate plots and irrigation infrastructure in the field with the mobile phone.
- Know some plugins (additional add-ons) that can be added to the program to enable functionalities of extra interest that do not come by default in the installation of the program.
- Use of StreetView. It allows us to view the photographs taken by the Google car from anywhere in the world and take a look at farms along roads and highways before visiting them.
- Import/Export to different cartography formats : AutoCAD (DXF) and Google Earth/Maps (KML).
- Measure lengths and surfaces directly on orthophotos and/or Google Maps, etc...).
- Cross mapping to obtain areas included within ZEPA, PEIN or Natura 2000 Network zones.
- Map printouts to image format for reporting.
- Creation of plans with boxes for printing on paper and in PDF
Registered people, at the appropriate time, will receive the information to access classes by videoconference.
Language: SPANISH
It is necessary to have a computer with Internet access to follow the course. You should avoid using a very old computer to take the course; At least, you should have Windows 8 or higher and 8 GB of RAM, and have a certain amount of hard drive space in order to download the cartography you are going to work with.
For maximum use of it, it is also recommended to have two screens, or an additional device (tablet type), to be able to follow the teacher's instructions and manage the program.
The course will be taught through Zoom and the virtual classroom of the Agronomic Training platform. Registered people, at the appropriate time, will receive the information to access them.
Online, through video conferencing (Zoom)
The course will be taught by the specialized technician Antoni Riba, from the company VÈRTEX Agroforestal.
Members: €240
Pre-associates (master students): €190
Non-members: €290
Essential: register and request the bonus from the COEAC technical secretariat, at least 10 days before the start of the course, by sending an email to agronoms@agronoms.cat . The bonus processing service is included in the price.
For the course bonus, it is necessary to attend 80% of the course to obtain certification. The format of the course is online, and to justify attendance, the hours of live connection during the development of the course will be taken into account.