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Valuation of ornamental trees and shrubs. Granada Standard 2020

Start date: 07/03/2025
Ending date: 04/04/2025
Modality: Blended learning
Autonomous community: AragónPaís Vasco
Province: Araba/ÁlavaZaragoza
Location: Zaragoza: Sede del COIAANPV —- Vitoria: Por confirmar


Following the publication of the first version of the Standard in 1990, its first revision in 1999, a second revision in 2006, which was corrected in 2007, the new Granada 2020 Standard appears.

This revision of the Standard introduces some substantial variations with respect to the previous ones, both in terms of the calculation methods and formulas as well as the concepts and objectives of the Standard, all in order to bring the valuation and its results closer to the most recent parameters and studies in relation to the environment, green infrastructure, biodiversity and ecosystem services.

In this sense, we have designed a course in which the variations in the valuation method are explained, among others the most important are: the different formulas for calculating the basic value, the different items in the scoring tables, both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, the weight percentages of each of the items in the valuation, the choice of the degrees of affectation of each of them, the appearance of the biodiversity values, diameter class, invasive plants or not, the incorporation of disservices and the modification of the coefficients for calculating the basic value in relation to conifers, since the perimeter and not the height is taken into account.

The proper use of the computer application developed for the preparation and development of the Granada Standard for the Valuation of Ornamental Trees will also be explained.

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