Training, equality and rejuvenation of governing councils
2023 action program aimed at carrying out training, equality and rejuvenation activities of governing councils of agri-food cooperatives in business matters to improve their professionalization and the exercise of their functions
By virtue of the Agreement between Agri-Food Cooperatives of Spain and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the 2023 action program begins in terms of training for professionalization, equality and generational change in governing councils of agri-food cooperatives, with the following objectives:
Typology of actions
The Training Plan for Governing Councils is aimed at members of governing councils and future directors of cooperatives and other associative entities of an agri-food nature, from the entire territory of the Spanish State.
The scheduled training actions, in person or online, will consist of training modules adaptable to the specific needs of cooperatives and other agri-food associative entities, recipients of the training.
The training activities, in-person and non-in-person, will have a minimum duration of 8 hours which, depending on the modality, may be taught in one or several days. The minimum number of students will be 8, although with some nuances to take into account. The content of each workshop will consist of one or several modules detailed below, with a minimum duration of 2 hours per module.
More information
These training actions are financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food through the aforementioned agreement.
Cooperatives interested in carrying out training activities can request more information from:
Training and Subsidies Dept.
Tel.: 968 35 02 72 / Fax: 968 35 00 95
Address: C/ Caballero. No. 13 – 30002 Murcia
Additional documents
Request, by the coop or fut, for training through ANNEX I 2023