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Specific module: qualification of technicians in integrated vine production

Start date: 17/02/2025
Ending date: 21/02/2025
Modality: In person
Autonomous community: Andalucía
Province: Cádiz
Location: Centro IFAPA Rancho de la Merced. Jerez de la Frontera. Cádiz.



  1. - Specific regulations: Analysis of the Specific Regulations for Integrated Vine Production and its application.
  2. - Agronomic characteristics and plant material.
  3. - Land preparation, sowing/planting.
  4. - Amendments and fertilization.
  5. - Soil and vegetation cover management.
  6. - Pruning/Thinning.
  7. - Crop water requirements and irrigation management.
  8. - Integrated pest and disease control.
  9. - Harvesting and post-harvest.
  10. - Specific machinery for cultivation tasks and phytosanitary treatments.
  11. - Other cultural practices.

Internship Program:

  • Organized visit to an Integrated Production farm for the cultivation of agricultural products; irrigation facilities; plant health analysis laboratories; agricultural research and training centers, composting facilities; auxiliary insect production centers.
  • Handling of machinery and application equipment: maintenance and regulation; prevention of health and environmental risks arising from their use.
  • Handling of specific management software (TRIANA and SAR). Useful information available on the Internet for Integrated Production: RAIF (Phytosanitary Information Alert Network), MAGRAMA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment), SERVIFAPA (IFAPA Knowledge Platform), etc.

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