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Assessment and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture: concepts, methods and simulation tools

Start date: 16/10/2023
Ending date: 20/10/2023
Modality: Blended learning
Autonomous community: Aragón
Location: Zaragoza


Reasons to attend the course

  1. Obtain up-to-date knowledge of international processes for notification, elimination of GHG emissions and C removal in agriculture;
  2. Gain a better understanding of the sources and factors that control GHG emissions and carbon sequestration in cropping systems;
  3. Have an overview of state-of-the-art methods for measuring GHG emissions and soil carbon changes;
  4. Know the technical aspects of direct and indirect GHG mitigation strategies;
  5. Have criteria to design and improve national inventories;
  6. Gain greater proficiency in using simulation models and tools to estimate GHG emissions and soil carbon changes at different scales;
  7. Develop a holistic view of the tools available to support informed decision making;
  8. Have a global vision of the challenges and opportunities of carbon agriculture.

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