Strategies to improve crop yields Training course Webinar. Strategies to improve crop yields Cases will be presented explaining how BeCrop® technology was used to develop effective strategies for promoting soil health with special attention to improved yields. It will focus on identifying the causes of …
New technologies and practices for family farming Training course The 20-hour self-learning course seeks to promote the innovation ecosystem with respect to the agents involved in family farming and encourage the use of new technologies as a platform for the provision of services, connection with the market and quality …
Agroecological Performance Evaluation Tool (TAPE) Training course The 25-hour self-study course " Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE)" provides guidance on how to evaluate agroecology using the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE), which allows for the completion of a multidimensional …
BioDistricts: a territorial approach to organic farming in Italy News story A BioDistrict is a geographical space with a natural vocation for organic agriculture. In such an area, the various actors, such as farmers, citizens, associations, and public administrations, define an agreement for the sustainable management of …
Course for the use of phytosanitary products - basic level Training course Registration until June 9, 2023 Organized by: Aratria Asesores, SL. Number of attendees: 20. Dates: June 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, 2023. Hours: Every day from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Venue: Theoretical and practical classes will be held at the La Alfranca …
Online Course on Sustainability in agricultural production Training course Only for students from the Valencian Community with links to the agri-food sector The word sustainability has gone, in just a few years, from being used in very restricted circles to being used profusely in the media and in our conversations. It is …
Online course: Management of vegetal covers in organic production Training course REGISTRATION FORM There is a growing interest among farmers to increase knowledge about the management of plant covers to achieve maximum effectiveness. On the one hand, adventitious weeds are generally presented as the main reluctance to convert to …
Online course: Plant health in organic horticultural crops Training course REGISTRATION FORM The continuous growth of organic production that is being experienced both nationally and internationally, highlights the not-so-distant future of agriculture and livestock. This growth is also strengthened by the greater environmental …
Direct land management by agri-food cooperatives Event The Chair of Agri-Food Cooperatives, in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana, Agro-Food Cooperatives of Spain and the C. Valenciana, organizes on June 16 in Paterna (Valencia), from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., a conference on direct land management …
CeiA3 Operational Groups Conference – Olivar Sector Event On July 11, 2023, the ceiA3 will hold an online conference where the progress of the Olive Sector Operational Groups in which it participates will be presented and whose target audience is ceiA3 researchers and agents in the olive sector. Among the …
Agrarian and Rural Inspiration Awards, ARIA 2023 News story The European CAP Network ( UE CAP Network ) announces the " Agrarian and Rural Inspiration Awards, ARIA 2023 " that reward the best projects and good practices developed within the framework of the CAP that show lifelong learning and train people to …
Subsidies to Multiregional Training Programs for professionals in rural areas, 2023 News story Order by which subsidies are called for multi-regional training programs aimed at professionals in rural areas for the year 2023 The beneficiaries will be the entities provided for in article 2.1 of the regulatory bases for these subsidies of Royal Decree …
Digital Cluster Association of Catalonia Hubs, Platforms and networks Workspace for companies, entities and research groups in the information and communications technologies (ICT) sector … Digital Cluster Association of …
Asturias Digital Innovation HUB Hubs, Platforms and networks Space in which companies can experiment with technology before investing in it and participate in complementary demonstration activities and alternative services that contribute to success in their digitalization process. … Asturias Digital Innovation …
Barrax - Rural Innovation Hub Hubs, Platforms and networks Hub where research sessions, business meetings, professional networking, raising European funds, information and experimentation are promoted. … Barrax - Rural Innovation …