Direct land management by agri-food cooperatives
The Chair of Agri-Food Cooperatives, in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana, Agro-Food Cooperatives of Spain and the C. Valenciana, organizes on June 16 in Paterna (Valencia), from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., a conference on direct land management by agri-food cooperatives.
The conference has a hybrid format, it can be followed virtually by zoom (upon registration) and also in person at the Caixa Popular headquarters, in El Parc Tecnólógic de València. The event is sponsored by Caixa Popular.
During the meeting, direct land management, legal, fiscal and labor issues will be presented in a round table conference.
In addition, the experiences and good practices of agri-food cooperatives in land management will be discussed.
Registration for the Conference - In-person
Registration for the Conference - Online
Agri-Food Cooperatives Chair
Agri-food Cooperatives of Spain and the University of Valencia UVCátedras launched a Chair in 2018 to generate knowledge about agri-food cooperatives. The objectives of the Chair are to generate research, reflection and transmission of knowledge on legal and economic issues of cooperatives, to stimulate the study of issues that affect agri-food cooperatives and to disseminate the characteristics of this type of companies.