VISUAL APP Tool VISUAL APP allows efficient and profitable planning of field activities such as sowing, harvesting, irrigation, quality control, fertilization, monitoring of phenological states, pest control treatments, among others. … VISUAL …
Dossier of innovative elements for the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural holdings Multimedia content This Dossier of innovative elements for improving the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural holdings shows some innovation possibilities so that whoever uses it can delve deeper into those that interest them the most based on their personal …
Implementation of an innovative water regeneration and fertigation system PHASE 2 Operational group The Axarquía Sostenible operating group focuses on harnessing the potential of regenerated water, reusing it along with nutrients to reduce fertilizer consumption. The project includes a high-quality regeneration system that complies with regulations for …
DIH Datalife Hub Multimedia content Channel with demonstration videos of the application of new technologies (Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing, Internet of Things) from the DIH Datalife Hub … DIH Datalife …
DIH Datalife Hub, HIBA+ Project: Weather Station Multimedia content Measurement of humidity, atmospheric pressure, ambient temperature, wind speed and direction, precipitation and solar radiation in the monitoring and management of a kiwi fruit farm in Galicia … DIH Datalife Hub, HIBA+ Project: Weather …
DIH Datalife Hub, HIBA+ Project: Dendrometer Multimedia content Measuring fruit size increase and trunk thickness variation in monitoring and management of a kiwi fruit farm in Galicia … DIH Datalife Hub, HIBA+ Project: …
DIH Datalife Hub, HIBA+ Project: Leaf Temperature Multimedia content Measuring the temperature of plant leaves in the monitoring and management of a kiwi fruit farm in Galicia … DIH Datalife Hub, HIBA+ Project: Leaf …
DIH Datalife Hub, HIBA+ Project: Flow of sap Multimedia content Measuring the movement of water and nutrients through plant vascular tissues in the monitoring and management of a kiwi fruit farm in Galicia … DIH Datalife Hub, HIBA+ Project: Flow of …
Summary of the presentation day of the digital forestry demonstrator implemented in Kiwi Atlántico within the framework of the HIBA+ project Multimedia content Summary of the presentation day of the digital forestry demonstrator implemented in Atlantic kiwi within the framework of the HIBA+ project … Summary of the presentation day of the digital forestry demonstrator implemented in Kiwi Atlántico within the …
DIH Datalife Hub, Milkchain Project Multimedia content Presentation of a certified traceability system linked to the value chain of the dairy sector … DIH Datalife Hub, Milkchain Project …
Mapping the Agrotech Ecosystem in Spain 2024 Multimedia content The mapping aims to x-ray the existing innovation ecosystem, highlighting its strengths, anticipating new possible needs and inviting the attraction of new innovative projects. … Mapping the Agrotech Ecosystem in Spain …
7th edition. QGIS online course applied to Precision Agriculture. Level 1 Training course The course program that we now propose is based on the presentation of a free and open source software known as QGIS. The QGIS program has a series of basic functionalities similar to other GIS programs, but it has very interesting extra functionalities …
CropX - Farm Management Tool Connects farm data, real-time conditions, and agronomic recommendations, all while keeping farm data in one place for easy tracking and sharing. The goal is to drive better profits by saving on input costs. … CropX - Farm …
Vacapop Tool App to search, buy and sell livestock directly between farmers throughout Spain, providing them with a specialized site where they can publish their offers of livestock for sale, as well as find a large offer of livestock for sale (cows, bulls, horses, …