IoT IHL Hubs, Platforms and networks Environment dedicated to dissemination of services, success stories, events they carry out and resources that SMEs can access … IoT …
Advances, changes and innovations will take center stage at SEPOR News story The 55th Edition of SEPOR 2022 arrives with a program full of conferences, debates and activities that will once again position the fair as the nerve center of the entire livestock, agri-food and industrial sector in a panorama full of advances, changes …
Sheep and goat pox outbreaks are growing in Andalusia News story The new outbreaks have been detected in two farms located in the Granada towns of Cúllar and Benamaurel, both located in the surveillance radius of the first outbreak. In the first case, Cúllar, the disease has been detected in a facility with 170 sheep …
EFSA recommendations to improve animal welfare during transport News story According to recommendations published by EFSA, it is necessary to provide more space, reduce maximum temperatures and keep travel times to a minimum to improve the welfare of farm animals during transport. EFSA provides its recommendations to the …
Course for maintainer of facilities at risk of Legionella Training course Initial training and renewal Duration and cost: F. Initial: 30 teaching hours. Amount: €440 (rewardable) Renewal: 10 teaching hours. Amount: €220 (rewardable) From FECOAM we will process the course subsidy (TRIPARTITE FOUNDATION) More information by …
Nutrition and health in organic livestock Training course The Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture and Agroecology (SEAE) offers a series of free courses aimed at unemployed people in Extremadura, on various subjects in ECOLOGICAL LIVESTOCK. With the aim of helping to improve the capabilities of more livestock …
Course "Economic management of agricultural holdings" in Calpe (Alicante) Training course The Unió de Llauradors organizes a course on "ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL EXPLOITATIONS" on October 14 and 15, lasting 12 teaching hours, which will be held at the Roca Esmeralda Hotel (C/Ponent, 1) in Calpe. For more information and registration, …
Final conference of the Smart Rural 21 project Event The conference will present the final results of the Smart Rural 21 project , which is the result of intense collaboration with rural communities and other relevant stakeholders across Europe to realize Smart Villages on the ground for more than two …
Livestock, Industrial and Agri-Food Fair (SEPOR) Event In its 55th edition, SEPOR presents important innovations aimed at continuing to improve the quality and quantity of services offered to sponsors, collaborators, exhibitors and attendees. Unstable winds are blowing for the sector and SEPOR is going to be, …
Introduction of new developments in tuberculosis control in extensive farms in Extremadura (GO Innotubex) Operational group Introduction of new developments in tuberculosis control in extensive farms in Extremadura (GO Innotubex) … Introduction of new developments in tuberculosis control in extensive farms in Extremadura (GO …
Identification of methods against the Asian hornet Operational group Identification of methods against the Asian hornet …
Establishment of an operational group to control the invasive species Vespa velutina Operational group Establishment of an operational group to control the invasive species Vespa velutina …
Operational Group to implement innovative technical improvements in the beekeeping sector to increase the profitability of the sector (GO Apitox) Operational group Our Operational Group studies the optimization of the different methods of bee venom extraction. In their field of work, the different methods of bee venom conservation are also studied and optimized, in order to safeguard and protect its properties and …
Control of pathogens in pig farms through the implementation of digital strategies (GO Mapresporc) Operational group The Operational Group is developing a digital communication system to optimize the choice of antimicrobials and achieve better efficacy in the treatment of swine diseases with a reduction in bacterial resistance to antibiotics. … Control of pathogens in …
Operational Group for the control of neonatal diarrhea in livestock and its repercussions (GO Controlsan) Operational group Neonatal diarrhoea is one of the most common problems in calf rearing, caused by many different factors. It is a pathology that affects the profitability of calf rearing and, in acute cases, directly affects animal welfare. This Task Force aims to control …