Use of technologies to assess the health, well-being and productivity of livestock (VIGIASAN) Multimedia content Development and implementation of technologies and innovations in surveillance in pigs and cattle (extrapolable to other species) to monitor changes in different parameters for the control of diseases in livestock. … Use of technologies to assess the …
Extensive precision management of Celtic trunk pigs in Ibero-Atlantic deciduous forests (FORESCELTA) Multimedia content To combine innovation in the rural world through technological transfer and the use of silvopastoral systems for the production of native Celtic pigs that give rise to products of differentiating quality through the use of own resources that allow …
ANPSTAND Operational Group. Innovative project CONV-19 Development of a national quality standard for porcine artificial insemination centres Multimedia content Develop a quality standard for production processes and the minimum characteristics that must be met by the doses produced by artificial insemination centres for pigs in Spain. … ANPSTAND Operational Group. Innovative project CONV-19 Development of a …
IBERCHAIN OPERATIVE GROUP for the implementation of blockchain technology in the value chain of meat labeled as 100% native breed of Iberian Multimedia content Increase the economic sustainability of extensive livestock farms dedicated to the production of meat labelled under the 100% Iberian Native Breed seal. … IBERCHAIN OPERATIVE GROUP for the implementation of blockchain technology in the value chain of meat …
OPERATIVE GROUP: Creation of a marketing and export structure for genetic material Multimedia content Creation of a marketing structure that analyses the current situation, develops a strategic internationalisation plan and that stimulates and facilitates the export of genetic material from select breeds. … OPERATIVE GROUP: Creation of a marketing and …
Implementation of MTD for emissions control in the management and treatment of slurry (GO IMECO) Multimedia content The innovative project aims to implement MTDs to control emissions from the storage of slurry and its application in crops, revaluing manure as biogas and promoting the circular economy of the agricultural sector. … Implementation of MTD for emissions …
Digital platform for the comparative evaluation of the level of antibiotic consumption in pig farms (REDAPORC) Multimedia content Reducing the use of antibiotics on pig farms and companies by developing a digital platform to compare consumption based on health risks and biosecurity. … Digital platform for the comparative evaluation of the level of antibiotic consumption in pig farms …
Overabundance: Innovation in biosecurity and wild boar control to prevent African swine fever (PREVPA) Multimedia content Overabundance and innovation in biosecurity and wild boar control to prevent African swine fever. … Overabundance: Innovation in biosecurity and wild boar control to prevent African swine fever …
Document on the management of pig farms to prevent tail biting Multimedia content Document on the management of pig farms to prevent tail biting. … Document on the management of pig farms to prevent tail biting …
Guide to euthanasia of animals on pig farms Multimedia content Document that responds to the commitment established in said agreement to develop a standardized work procedure for the slaughter of pigs on farms that includes a review of the reasons that make it advisable to practice euthanasia on animals; management …
Animal welfare in pigs. Practice and evaluation Training course With this course you will learn the regulations regarding pig welfare and their handling and breeding conditions, as well as the cleaning and disinfection protocols for facilities and vehicles. Goals: To know the national and European regulations related …
Animal welfare in transport: Practice and evaluation Training course This course is aimed at all those who want to learn the basics of animal welfare in transport in an easy and dynamic way. Goals: Concepts and generalities on animal transport. Good practices in animal transport. Biosecurity and operating procedures. …
Training for personnel working with pigs - RD 3006/2020 (Evaluation) Training course The objective of this course is to acquire the minimum knowledge required by RD 306/2020 and by EU implementing decision 2017/302 in order to be qualified to work on intensive pig farms. Goals: Gain an overview of the characteristics of pig production. …
Webinar - Application of artificial intelligence in animal health monitoring Multimedia content Application of artificial intelligence in animal health monitoring. … Webinar - Application of artificial intelligence in animal health …
Pig farm operation and environmental technical improvements Training course 25-hour course taught by Agropecuaria Arcoiris, SL., which offers fundamental knowledge on pig farm management and environmental techniques applied to rural development. … Pig farm operation and environmental technical …