Agro-food cooperatives Valencian community Hubs, Platforms and networks Platform for institutional representation, cooperative promotion, training, communication and business representation … Agro-food cooperatives Valencian …
Food For Life Hubs, Platforms and networks Promotion of the transmission of research, scientific and technological advances through public-private collaboration of the main agri-food sector agents in relation to R&D&i and the detection of new demands in the field of Society Challenges , ensuring …
CAJAMAR Earth Platform Hubs, Platforms and networks Collaborative open innovation platform to promote sustainable land use and territorial management in Spain. … CAJAMAR Earth Platform …
GreenSys2025 - International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management for Sustainable Greenhouse Systems Event The International Society for Horticultural Science is organizing this Congress to be held in Almería from June 22 to 27, 2025. #GreenSYS2025 Website: Email: … GreenSys2025 - International Symposium on …
International Fair of Intensive Horticultural Production and Auxiliary Industry Event Infoagro Exhibition Spain 2023 is a Fair to show products and services to all agricultural agents. It is an international reference for intensive crops and the place to do business, both for the exhibitor and the farmer. IV Infoagro Spain Fair 2023 => …
Online course: Plant health in organic horticultural crops Training course REGISTRATION FORM The continuous growth of organic production that is being experienced both nationally and internationally, highlights the not-so-distant future of agriculture and livestock. This growth is also strengthened by the greater environmental …
Barrax - Rural Innovation Hub Hubs, Platforms and networks Hub where research sessions, business meetings, professional networking, raising European funds, information and experimentation are promoted. … Barrax - Rural Innovation …
Industrial tomato footprint (GO Tomprint) Operational group This Operational Group was created with the aim of developing a computer application that reflects all the stages of the tomato production cycle in order to obtain the water footprint and the carbon footprint at the end of the campaign at all stages of …
Biodiversity and Viticulture Operational Group (GO Bioviti) Operational group The activities to be developed by the group include identifying best practices for improving biodiversity at the farm scale in vineyards, developing pilot experiences with plant covers, pest control, soil improvement, etc., providing information on …
For sustainable management of the Atlantic vineyard (GO Gesviña) Operational group Atlantic vineyards share common problems: smallholding; high rainfall and mild temperatures, which affect the need to increase phytosanitary treatments, especially fungicides; rugged topography that favors erosion; Excessive dependence on the use of …
Specialized Training in Protected Organic Horticulture Training course Specialized 50-hour course in which various aspects of protected ecological horticulture are studied: pest and disease management, fertilization, biodiversity and production techniques. PROGRAM | APPLICATION deadline until 09/18/2024 | INFORMATION and …
Almond Tree Cultivation and Pruning Training course Almond Tree and Pruning Course in Cuenca REGISTRATION at | Albaladejito Agroforestry Research Center, Cuenca … Almond Tree Cultivation and …
Autumn courses for incorporation into agricultural activity in Cantabria Training course The courses organised by the Centre for Agricultural Research and Training (CIFA), of the Government of Cantabria, for incorporation into agricultural activity will begin on 1 September. The courses will help people who take them to achieve the …
Biological control of Tuta absoluta and Aculops lycopersici in tomato plants Event Workshop on tools to improve biological control of two very important pests in tomato crops, the moth Tuta absoluta and the scab mite Aculops lycopersici . During the workshop, data obtained from two projects in which the IRTA Sustainable Plant Protection …
Organic horticulture | 2nd edition Training course Currently, organic production operators and advisors nationwide must have extensive and diverse training in fruit, horticultural and greenhouse crops, and know both technical and administrative aspects and certification. This course offers you the …