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Murcia, Region of

The Murcia AKIS system is developed in a territorial framework in which 32% of the region's surface is used for cultivation through 24,800 farms (44% is forest land and 12% are meadows and pastures) and where 59% of the farms are equal to or less than 5 ha. ( Regional Statistics Centre of Murcia ).

In 2022, of the 363,292 ha. of crops in the region, 53% are dry land and 47% are irrigated. Its agricultural production includes cauliflower and broccoli, lettuce, lemon, almond, peach, olive and vineyard crops. The livestock structure in the Murcia region is widely represented by the pig population (55%) followed by an important poultry subsector (28%) ( Regional Statistical Centre of Murcia ).

The Region of Murcia has a leading agri-food sector with a marked export nature and generation of employment and innovation. The conglomerate formed by the primary sector, its transformation and marketing contributes more than 20% of the regional GDP. Its capacity includes the production of a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts, as well as canning companies, meat or dairy industries, cheeses, wines and seafood products.

The regional AKIS is represented by a cluster of public and private agents grouped together and interacting with each other:

Agentes del akis

The image shows the groups of public and private agents of a regional AKIS:

  • Agents that generate knowledge.
  • Public sector agents.
  • Agents dedicated to training.
  • Agents of the agri-food sector.
  • Other AKIS agents.

AKIS agents and interactions

Agents dedicated to the generation of knowledge

  • University of Murcia .
  • Catholic University of Murcia ( UCAM ).
  • Polytechnic University of Cartagena ( UPCT ).
  • Murcian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research and Development ( IMIDA ). It offers the following services :

- IMIDA Germplasm Bank ( BAGERIM ).

- Sanitary Certification of Vine .

-FrutIMIDA : Groups the different varieties of fruit developed by IMIDA and that can be acquired through authorized nurseries.

- Conservation vegetation barrier design tool for erosion reduction: Development of interoperable visualization services to reduce the impact of agriculture in the Mar Menor, through the implementation of Conservation Vegetation Structures (EVC) and vegetation strips to reduce erosion on farms.

- Oenological laboratory .

- Agrometeorological Information System of the Region of Murcia ( SIAM ).

- Vitis-IMIDA : Portal of the catalogue of new wine grape varieties obtained and selected at the Murcian Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research and Development.

  • Segura Centre for Soil Science and Applied Biology ( CEBAS) : Multidisciplinary CSIC centre that carries out research in three related scientific and technical areas: Agricultural Sciences, Food Science and Technology, and Natural Resources.
  • National Technological Centre for Food Preservation and Conservation ( CTNC ).

Public sector agents

  • Department of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries : public institution that administers the responsibilities of agriculture, livestock, agri-food and fisheries in the Community.
  • Regional Agricultural Sections (11) and Agricultural Demonstration Centers ( CDA ).
  • Institute for the Development of the Region of Murcia : Economic development agency of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, which is responsible for promoting and developing the business fabric, stimulating competitiveness, innovation and productivity of regional companies.
  • Office for agricultural innovation in Murcia ( AGRINNOVA ). The mission of this office is to provide training and information to innovation agents with the functions of promoting and supporting the creation of consortia and the preparation of proposals that lead to operational groups and innovation projects.

Agents dedicated to training

Agents of the agri-food sector

Instruments and tools for the dynamization of the AKIS


The Strategic Plan includes five operational areas and among its objectives it mentions the increase in the competitiveness and productivity of companies by increasing their R&D&I capacity, the transfer of technology, knowledge and the development of mechanisms to deepen the University-Business relationship, and the strengthening of advisory services for aid to companies through European programs. Among the many proposed Strategic Lines, those most closely related to the primary sector are the Promotion of a greater role for primary production aligned with healthy eating and respectful of natural processes and the Support for new agricultural establishments.


The Strategy identifies the Murcian agri-food sector as a leading sector. In addition to the core activities of agriculture, livestock, fishing and the food industry, it also includes those linked to the water cycle (its treatment, purification and management), the environment and logistics and transport. In this context, the AKIS system is reflected in the strategic objectives of the “Capacities” specialisation line by promoting the generation and transfer of knowledge and the assimilation of advanced technologies, and the drive to entrepreneurship and the creation of companies by valuing knowledge. Likewise, in the “Hybridisation” strategic line, the promotion of cooperative and multidisciplinary R&D&I among all public and private agents, the promotion of innovative culture and social innovation and the encouragement and participation in networks, an aspect of special relevance in the development of the AKIS system of the Community, are manifested as a strategic objective.

CAP 2023 - 2027

In the field of the common agricultural policy, the Region of Murcia allocates the following budget and actions to three of the interventions most directly linked to AKIS:

  • 7161 (Cooperation of EIP operational groups): €4.8 million.
  • 7201 (Knowledge exchange and information dissemination): €6.31 million.
  • 7202 (Consulting): €3.83 million.


The Murcian AKIS system is part of the strategic initiatives for development and specialization of the community. In this sense, the sustainability and development of the Murcian agricultural sector is based on the exchange of experiences, knowledge and innovations translated into innovative projects and high added value products materialized in the initiatives and programs of the RIS4 . In this sense, cooperation and institutional alliances and between the agents of the AKIS system improve and stimulate the competitiveness of local products in the national and international market.

As a result of the collaboration between agents of the AKIS System of the community, actions have been promoted aimed at modernization and digitalization, training, specialized advice and dissemination of experiences and knowledge ready to be used: thematic innovation circles, forums and events for the exchange of business needs, etc.

Finally, the synergies originating in the regional system favour the articulation and territorial fixation of the social fabric with the participation of public and private organisations, advisors, and the Local Action and Rural Development Groups ( RedPAC Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Viewer ).


Technical Conferences

Technical conferences are part of the activities developed by the Ministry of Agriculture to transfer to the agri-food sector the knowledge generated through demonstration fields, innovation projects or other novel subjects that may be of interest to farmers, ranchers or technicians in their daily work. In this section you can consult the presentations of the conferences held in recent years at IMIDA .

Integrating advice into AKIS

Only public or private, non-profit entities, SAE providers, directly related to the agricultural, agri-food and forestry sectors, whose scope of action is in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and which have human and material resources adapted to the execution of advisory activities, may apply for aid.