Galicia covers an area of 29,574 km 2 , of which more than 97.8% is rural. Less than a third of the total area is cultivated land and more than two thirds is forestry. The average farm size is 8.2 ha, more than 63% of farms are less than 5 ha and only 10% are larger than 20 ha. The three most important crops are tomatoes, bell peppers, chard and cabbage. The forage area in Galicia accounts for 28.1% of the total in Spain, which demonstrates the importance of the livestock sector in this community.
At a national level, Galicia represents great potential in the livestock sector, mainly in subsectors such as dairy and beef cattle, the pig sector and poultry farming. Other subsectors such as rabbit farming, beekeeping and fur farming also play an important role in rural economic development.
The agri-food industries have a strategic character in Galicia as they are a key element for the development of the agricultural sector and for the promotion of rural areas in Galicia. The food industry is characterized by the small size of companies that offer a wide variety of quality products ( European Commission (2023).
The regional AKIS is represented by a cluster of public and private agents grouped together and interacting with each other:
The image shows the groups of public and private agents of a regional AKIS:
- Agents that generate knowledge.
- Public sector agents.
- Agents dedicated to training.
- Agents of the agri-food sector.
- Other AKIS agents.
AKIS agents and interactions
Agents dedicated to knowledge generation
- University of Vigo .
- University of A Coruña .
- University of Santiago de Compostela .
- Mabegondo Agricultural Research Centre ( CIAM ): Applied and basic research focused on the preferred lines of research of the agro-food resources and technology programmes.
- Galician Viticulture and Oenology Station ( EVEGA ): Its mission is to promote the technological development of the Galician wine sector through applied research, advice to winegrowers and bottlers and the implementation of training activities.
- Juana de Vega Foundation .
Public sector agents
- Consellería do Medio Rural : public institution that administers the powers in agriculture, livestock, agri-food and rural development of the Community. Training and Transfer .
- Galician Agency for Rural Development ( AGADER ): Agency whose purpose is to improve the quality and conditions of life of rural inhabitants while contributing to the cohesion of the Galician territory through four lines of aid: expansion and modernization of non-agricultural companies, creation, improvement and expansion of local basic services, road improvement plans and LEADER aid.
- Galician Food Quality Agency ( AGACAL ): Government agency responsible for promoting and protecting the differential quality of Galician food products covered by the different quality indicators and to enhance the quality of agri-food and forestry production.
- Public Company of Agricultural Services of Galicia, SA ( SEAGA ): Among other functions, it is responsible for the planning, direction, administration and supervision of livestock, veterinary and animal health and safety services. Implementation and restoration of pastures.
- Galician Innovation Agency ( GAIN ): Institution committed to transforming the economic model towards a competitive and sustainable economy, based on knowledge and talent.
- Regional Agricultural Sections (65).
Agents dedicated to training
- Agricultural and vocational training schools. You can consult a list of institutes and centres here .
Agents of the agri-food sector
- Quality Experiences : 36 products with designation of origin and Protected Geographical Indication.
- Galician Network of Emerging Risks and Food Safety ( RISEGAL ).
- Meat Technology Centre ( CTC ): Foundation that aims to boost and improve the competitive capacity of the Galician agri-food sector.
- Galicia food cluster ( CLUSAGA ).
- Galician Association of Agri-Food Cooperatives ( AGACA ): It brings together 73 agricultural cooperatives .
- Professional Colleges of Agricultural Engineers , Agricultural Technicians A Coruña and Pontevedra , Lugo , Ourense , and Veterinarians A Coruña , Lugo ; Ourense and Pontevedra .
- Galician agri-food companies: directory of the Ministry.
- Agrarian Professional Organizations (OPAs): Laborer Union-COAG ; ASAGA ; Agrarian Unions-UPA , XESTIÓN AGROGANDEIRA GALEGA (XEAGRO), XERUGA .
- Institute of Agrarian Biodiversity and Rural Development ( IBADER )
Other agents
Instruments and tools for the dynamization of the AKIS
The Galician Research and Innovation Plan is the instrumental framework of the Xunta de Galicia to advance in the period 2022-2024 in the strategic objectives and programs contemplated by the RIS3 of Galicia. In this Plan the Programs "Integra", "Innova y “emprende” and “Completa y transferencia” encourage innovation and the transfer of knowledge for the development of the Galician economy, including the agricultural sector.
The RIS3 (Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation), in the period 2021-2027, addresses three major challenges of the Galician economy and society through R&D&I. To respond to them, on the one hand, The strategy directs the research and innovation capabilities and efforts in Galicia towards 3 cross-cutting thematic priorities and, on the other hand, strengthens and promotes the Galician innovation ecosystem through 5 strategic objectives, around which it articulates the instruments and actions to be developed. integrated into the corresponding programs.
In this context, the first challenge of RIS3 is to develop a management model for natural and cultural resources based on innovation and modernization of the Galician primary sectors, introducing innovations that impact on improving efficiency and performance in the use of endogenous resources. In relation to this challenge, three priorities for advancing the necessary process of modernisation of traditional activities are sustainability, digitalisation and a focus on people.
The application of scientific-technological solutions to the circular economy, the food economy by investing in precision agriculture and livestock farming through the areas of Prioritization of Agricultural Biotechnology and Raw Materials, Products, are part of Priority 1 “Sustainability” of the RIS3. more sustainable packaging in the food value chain. Likewise, Priority areas of Priority 2 of the “Digitalisation” Strategy include the technical and digitalisation of the primary sector. Finally, within Priority 3 “Focus on people” Areas of Prioritisation are healthy and functional human nutrition and animal health.
CAP 2023-2027
Within the scope of the Common Agricultural Policy, Galicia allocates the following budget and actions to four of the interventions most directly linked to AKIS:
- 7161 (Cooperation of EIP operational groups): €8 million.
- 7162 (Cooperation not related to EIP operational groups): €11 million.
- 7201 (Training): €8.1 million.
- 7202 (Consulting): €7.5 million.
The development of the Galician agricultural sector requires continued innovation to increase the added value of products through cooperation and alliances that expand the possibilities of innovation, transformation and marketing.
New environmental, technological and commercial challenges are a stimulus to develop public-private synergies through innovative projects in which large and small producers, processors, marketers, universities and researchers interact, creating an active regional AKIS system in which experiences flow. , innovations and knowledge that increase the competitiveness and sustainability of products in the national and international market. Among the activities carried out in the regional system, those aimed at modernization and digitalization, training, specialized advice and dissemination of experiences and knowledge stand out. to be used.
Finally, the dynamics of the regional system favor the articulation and territorial fixation of the social fabric with the participation of public and private organizations, advisors, and the Local Action and Rural Development Groups ( Viewer of Operational Groups and Innovative Projects of the RedPAC ).
Aid for the provision of advisory services to natural or legal persons who own agricultural or livestock farms is an important lever for improving the sustainable management and overall performance of agricultural farms.
Only private entities recognized or authorized as entities providing advisory services registered in the Registry of entities with advisory or management services in Galicia and that provide services to owners of agricultural holdings that are registered in the Registry of Agricultural Holdings of Galicia may be beneficiaries. Galicia.