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New technologies applied to game management in Quintana de la Serena

Start date: 27/07/2024
Ending date: 27/07/2024
Modality: In person
Autonomous community: Extremadura
Province: Badajoz
Location: Quintana de la Serena (Badajoz)


8-hour morning course, organised by the Extremadura Hunting Federation.

This training is co-financed by FEADER (80%), the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment (3.72%) and the Regional Government of Extremadura (16.28%). The course is part of the continuous training programme of the General Directorate of Rural Development, as stipulated in the RDP of Extremadura. Specifically, it is included in Measure M01 "Actions for the transfer of knowledge and information" and Submeasure 1.1 "Support for vocational training and skills acquisition actions".

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