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Creation of a biogas plant using waste from a pig slaughterhouse and innovative strategies for the subsequent use of the gases generated

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2018
  • Assigned Budget 7.000,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Cataluña
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

The creation of this Operational Group of the European Association for Innovation in agricultural productivity and sustainability proposes the development of a project whose purpose is to study the technical and economic feasibility of a future biogas plant that uses as raw material part of the waste and by-products generated in a slaughterhouse.

The biogas generated is intended to contribute to the thermal self-consumption of the facility. Additionally, an innovative strategy is proposed for the possible recovery of CO2 contained in the biogas to reuse it in the production process. To achieve these objectives, collaboration is proposed with a research centre, responsible for studying the biogas potential of Mafrica waste, and an energy company, responsible for materialising the project.

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