Development and implementation of a Forest Management Support System in RED-SAGEFER
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status Filled
- Execution 2019 -2021
- Assigned Budget 387.426,25 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Andalucía; Castilla y León; Galicia; Madrid, Comunidad de
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website
SAGEFER promotes the design, development and implementation of a network of territorial implementation software systems that allows the promotion and enhancement of forest territory at municipal level in Spain by mobilizing all agents in the sector.
- Develop a model that includes all the elements considered key in the comprehensive development of forest resources in a territory.
- Develop an ad hoc IT tool for the implementation of the model, which serves as support for achieving sustainable and comprehensive management of forest resources in the territories where it is to be implemented.
- Implement the system in at least 3 territories with different characteristics, improving each and every one of the development indicators previously selected in the model.
- Plan the structure and actions necessary to enable the transfer and replicability of the results obtained from the project.
- Development of management modules of the SAGEFER Model, composed of the parts of the system related to its operation.
- Creation of a software tool to manage actions, initiatives, projects or users, as well as to issue reports, manage documents, print cartography or access any available data source.
- Three implementations, three strategic projects in each pilot territory and business models in six economic areas related to forest resources in which a business opportunity has been detected.
- Preparation of a national replicability plan for the solution achieved, tested and evaluated, which will allow the operating group to promote and implement the developed system anywhere in Spain.
- Sistemas de Desarrollo Integral del Territorio S.L.
- Asociación para la Certificación Es pañola Forestal PEFC España
- Federación de Asociaciones Foresta les de Castilla y León (FAFCYLE)
- Geodel S.C.
- Centro de Observación y Teledetec ción Espacial S.A.U. (COTESA)
- Universidad de Santiago de Com postela (USC)
- Asociación de Municipios para el De sarrollo Rural Integral de la Serranía Suroeste Sevillana
- Diputación Provincial de Ávila (DIPUAV)
- Asociación de Amigos del Parque Natural Los Alcornocales (AAALC)
- Sistemas de Desarrollo Integral del Territorio S.L.
- Asociación para la Certificación Es pañola Forestal PEFC España
- Federación de Asociaciones Foresta les de Castilla y León (FAFCYLE)
- Geodel S.C.
- Centro de Observación y Teledetec ción Espacial S.A.U. (COTESA)
- Universidad de Santiago de Com postela (USC)
- Asociación de Municipios para el De sarrollo Rural Integral de la Serranía Suroeste Sevillana
- Asociación Forestal de Ávila (AFOAV)
- Confederación de Organizaciones de Selvicultores de España (COSE)