Adaptation of resin activity to Pinus pinaster stands for wood production purposes
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status Filled
- Execution 2021 -2023
- Assigned Budget 558.710,55 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Asturias, Principado de; Castilla y León; Galicia
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website
ACREMA promotes the increase in the productivity of pine forests through the integration of innovative resin exploitation that allows obtaining a resin of the highest quality while maintaining their sustainability.
- Innovation and optimization of resin extraction systemsSearch for stimulating eco-pastes compatible with an ecological production system.
- Increased competitiveness through the differentiation of a high-quality product that competes in the international market.
- Compatibility of resin production with the production of quality wood for structural use.
- Identification and quantification of positive externalities associated with resin exploitation.
- Design and development of a computer tool for decision making.
- Professionalization of the resin sector through technology transfer and innovation generated by the project.
- Development of resin extraction methods in closed containers taking into account the species, location, extraction method and stimulant paste used.
- Obtaining a large number of stimulants to test in trials and thus improve resin production.
- Determination of important parameters that will be decisive when classifying the resin based on its quality.
- Obtaining data showing that the management models proposed for developing a resin activity do not affect the structural characteristics of the wood, and that both uses can be compatible with the consequent economic benefit for the owner.
- Identification and quantification of positive externalities: increased surveillance and prevention of forest fires, replacement of petroleum derivatives with renewable bio-products, contribution to population growth in rural areas and creation of new jobs.
- Development of a decision support system consisting of an interactive simulator with production models and a website with auxiliary variables and resin production maps. Transfer and dissemination of the knowledge generated in the project through the website ( ).
Contact information
- Agencia Gallega de Calidad Alimentaria (AGACAL
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
- Fundación Centro Tecnológico Forestal y de la Madera (CETEMAS)
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
- Rincón de La Vega S.A.L.
- Sinergias Sostenibles Resiforest S.L. (FORESIN)
- Asociación Asturiana de Empresarios Forestales de la Madera y el Mueble (ASMADERA)
- Asociación Nacional para la Reorganización y Defensa del Sector Resinero
- Federación Empresarial de Serradoiros e Rematantes de Galicia (FEARMAGA)
- Sociedad de Resinas Naturales S.L
- Agencia Gallega de Calidad Alimentaria (AGACAL
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
- Fundación Centro Tecnológico Forestal y de la Madera (CETEMAS)
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
- Rincón de La Vega S.A.L.
- Sinergias Sostenibles Resiforest S.L. (FORESIN)