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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...

Water and Food Day

Water and Food Conference. The urgency of strategies for adaptation to climate change A meeting point in search of technical and scientific solutions for water and food security in the new climate scenario. You can consult the Program by clicking here To follow the online session click here
Regenerative agriculture
Plataforma Tierra

Regenerative agriculture

In recent years, regenerative agriculture has been frequently discussed as a work strategy to improve soil health by recovering its organic matter content and biodiversity. It improves resilience to climate change, sequesters carbon in the soil and expands the ecosystem services associated with agriculture. This webinar will address the advantages of incorporating organic matter into soils , the principles of regenerative agriculture, as well as various examples of its application in our country. We will have the participation of experts who have worked in these areas and have developed specific projects. The webinar, which will introduce regenerative agriculture, is part of a series of sessions to be held in January and February 2024 focusing on soil management practices on farms.
I National Meeting of Advisors
Red ATRIA Comunitat Valenciana

I National Meeting of Advisors

The European demands in agricultural policy, which are included in the new CAP and in the strategies derived from the European Green Deal, such as the regulation of the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, give increasing prominence to the figure of the advisor in integrated pest management. To analyze the challenges they must take on and the tools they have to achieve them, the Feria Valencia Events Center hosts on November 15 and 16 the first edition of the National Meeting of Advisors , an ambitious initiative by the Phytoma publishing house, with which It culminates its 35th anniversary, to bring together for the first time in the same forum these essential professionals in the new agriculture. European agriculture is facing a paradigm shift, reflected in the imminent entry into force of the digital agricultural holding notebook, the obligations of the new Common Agricultural Policy and the guidelines emanating from the Green Deal and the 'From farm to farm' strategies. table' and Biodiversity 2030. In this scenario the advisors in integrated pest management will have greater powers and responsibilities; Furthermore, their support work in primary production will be more necessary, useful and decisive to ensure a healthier, more sustainable, intelligent and competitive agriculture. To achieve these achievements, the sector requires well-trained and highly updated advisors, with extensive skills that allow them to carry out their responsibilities in different spheres. The First National Meeting of Counselors , didactic and pedagogical, aims to be a space in which to debate and share experiences and knowledge, and value the work of counseling professionals. This first edition is titled Challenges and tools for an essential profession in the new agriculture . Contact: Telephone: 963826511 Location: Auditorium A3 of the Feria Valencia Events Center Program
Direct land management by agri-food cooperatives

Direct land management by agri-food cooperatives

The Chair of Agri-Food Cooperatives, in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana, Agro-Food Cooperatives of Spain and the C. Valenciana, organizes on June 16 in Paterna (Valencia), from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., a conference on direct land management by agri-food cooperatives. The conference has a hybrid format, it can be followed virtually by zoom (upon registration) and also in person at the Caixa Popular headquarters, in El Parc Tecnólógic de València. The event is sponsored by Caixa Popular. During the meeting, direct land management, legal, fiscal and labor issues will be presented in a round table conference. In addition, the experiences and good practices of agri-food cooperatives in land management will be discussed. PROGRAM Registration for the Conference - In-person Registration for the Conference - Online Agri-Food Cooperatives Chair Agri-food Cooperatives of Spain and the University of Valencia UVCátedras launched a Chair in 2018 to generate knowledge about agri-food cooperatives. The objectives of the Chair are to generate research, reflection and transmission of knowledge on legal and economic issues of cooperatives, to stimulate the study of issues that affect agri-food cooperatives and to disseminate the characteristics of this type of companies.

International Fair of Intensive Horticultural Production and Auxiliary Industry

Infoagro Exhibition Spain 2023 is a Fair to show products and services to all agricultural agents. It is an international reference for intensive crops and the place to do business, both for the exhibitor and the farmer. IV Infoagro Spain Fair 2023 => Detailed information Fair Dossier => Dossier
olive branches

Iberian Congress of Rural Property 2022

The Congress is held with the intention of highlighting the rural real estate sector in Spain and Portugal, generating a space for communication and information in which the current situation of the rural real estate sector is discussed for its enhancement, and it is provided with transparency. and information of interest is shared from the best specialists. In-person and online mode Registration =>

III International Forum of Almond and Pistachio - Technology and Ecology

In recent years, a change has been taking place in the cultivation of nuts in Spain. The new intensive plantations provide precocity, total mechanization, continuous harvesting and high production. There is still room for improvement in the advancement of agronomic management of these plantations so that we opt for efficient and sustainable production models both economically and environmentally. The III Almond and Pistachio Forum aims to highlight this production model and transfer to the producer the most appropriate cultivation techniques to make a profitable and sustainable crop, in addition to addressing the possibilities offered by organic production. RECORD