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event poster
Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
Poster announcing the FIMA 2026 fair
FIMA International Fair of Agricultural Machinery
FIMA will once again be the largest event in the agricultural world in Southern Europe. Mechanisation and technological innovations will show professionals the best way to make their farms more...
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Aragón, Navarra y País Vasco

Trufforum Teruel 2024

Trufforum is an international cooperation initiative, conceived and promoted by the European Mycological Institute ( EMI ), which was created with the aim of promoting the responsible use of the European truffle in domestic and professional kitchens. Having become an international reference meeting in the truffle sector, Trufforum is held annually with the aim of giving maximum diffusion to the values and culture of the truffle. Whether you are passionate about truffles or have never had contact with them, you are in the best place to learn everything you need and enjoy one of the most iconic products of world gastronomy. Don't miss the opportunity to dive with us into the depths of the earth to discover everything about truffles. Welcome to Trufforum!
Poster of the event


The 57th edition of the Lorca livestock, industrial and agri-food fair, SEPOR, will be held on October 28, 29, 30 and 31, 2024 in Lorca, Murcia Its programme includes the presentation of new products and solutions for the sector, as well as an extensive programme of conferences and talks.
63rd IALB, 13th EUFRAS and 10th SEASN 2024 Conferences
MAPA / Contenidos AKIS

The big agricultural advisory conference, 10-13 September, in Edinburgh

From 10 to 13 September 2024 , Edinburgh will become the capital of agricultural advice. The city will host the respective annual sessions of the three main European rural advice networks (IALB, EUFRAS and SEASN) that come together to form this major event with the motto "Adapting to zero emissions" for 2024. The event thus consolidates its position as the largest agricultural advice and consultancy conference in Europe. 63rd IALB, 13th EUFRAS and 10th SEASN 2024 Conferences The aim of the conference is to bring together consultants from across Europe to explore how different countries integrate education and research with consultancy to deliver best practice and achieve truly effective information and innovation transfer . This year, the programme promises an interesting mix of inspiration, learning, networking and knowledge for delegates. Through a variety of workshops, keynote lectures, cultural exhibitions, tourism experiences and networking opportunities, the conference will explore Scotland's agricultural system and how it builds and leverages relationships between people working in the rural economy and those in research, education and consultancy, to improve the sustainability of rural land use in Scotland. Field demonstrations A key aspect of the conference is the specialized field days , with a variety of tours covering topics such as "Environmental Initiatives, Organic and Diversified Agriculture" or "Technology and Performance Improvement in Livestock Businesses." In addition, attendees can participate with their panels/posters to present their projects , plans, educational and advisory methods, and new ideas related to this year's central theme. PROGRAM | WORKSHOPS | REGISTRATION OPEN UNTIL AUGUST 16
Webinar on European Agriculture of the Future
Plataforma Tierra

Webinar "Actors of the future of the agri-food industry: youth, innovation, technology".

This is the fourth and last of their series of webinars on the role of the agri-food sector in the European Union. A series of talks that focus on the more strategic vision of the sector in terms of its policies, profitability, the farms themselves and the people who are part of the sector. On June 25, the day will take place that addresses an open debate on the role of innovation and new technologies . It will feature the direct participation of young farm owners and agri-food industries. The following will participate in the webinar: Ignacio Atance Muñiz, Director of the Research Department of Grupo Cajamar. Marcos Garcés Lizama, Farmer and head of the Agricultural Youth of COAG. Marta Llorente, cattle breeder and farmer. Andrés Montoya Sánchez, Director at Bio Campojoyma. Miguel Antona San Millán, Managing Director of INNOPORC. Manuel Lainez Andrés, Director of Innovation and Agri-Food Development at Cajamar.
First AgroCchallenge hackathon of La Vega Innova June 20 and 21, 2024
La Vega Innova

First AgroChallenge hackathon of La Vega Innova

48 intensive hours to test creativity and discover innovative talent applied to AgriFoodTech . Faced with a specific challenge, different workshops will be organized in which teamwork is encouraged. The activity will end with a round table of outstanding speakers for the Hackathon and an awards ceremony . June 20, from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. June 21, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Who can sign up? It is open to students, professionals and technology enthusiasts over 18 years old . You can participate individually or in teams of up to 5 people . The winning team will receive funding and support for the development of its technological solution. The amount will depend on the specific needs of the development plan proposed and validated by La Vega Innova. PROGRAM of the day | REGISTRATION until June 16 | MORE INFO
Guijuelo bean industry fair

Guijuelo meat industry fair

Meat Industry Fair where meat lovers, experts in the field and the latest trends in technology and products come together to offer you a unique experience of discovery and collaboration in the exciting world of the Meat Industry. To consult the program click here
Image of the Abanca fair with a crowd walking around

Green Week of Galicia 2024

Abanca Fair Green Week of Galicia The entire value chain of the primary sector, from agriculture, machinery and livestock, to the final product or gastronomic tourism, will once again be the hallmark of the event. The venue is located in the town of Silleda and has magnificent infrastructures covering more than 400,000 m2 of surface area, of which 35,000 m2 are used for exhibitions (distributed in several pavilions) and 55,000 m2 outdoors, as well as 27,000 m2 of green areas. Its pavilions, its auditorium, its multiple rooms and its outdoor spaces give it great versatility. In addition, there are its large car parks, a green ring, an artificial lake and even a helipad, which allow it to adapt to all types of events and needs.
Festival del Campo


Professional, commercial, industrial and leisure meeting point of the fair panorama focused on the rural world, combining a double business-professional and socio-educational mission, where related sectors and industries will have a first-rate stage to make themselves known, putting on value the opportunities of our countryside and seeking a rapprochement between the rural world and the urban world. LOCATION: Zarzuela Hippodrome , Madrid

EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice

The Conference will bring together the best of agricultural and rural innovation in Europe. The objectives are: to highlight the successful implementation of the EIP-AGRI through GO projects as one of its main pillars, and to learn from this experience for the implementation of projects under the CAP 2023-2027. The conference programme will include plenary sessions with keynote speakers and interactive discussions showcasing concrete stories of relevant GOs. It will also celebrate the establishment of over 3,400 GO projects across the EU. The event will create opportunities to further disseminate and improve project results, and will help participants better understand the broader scope of topics that GOs can address during the CAP period 2023-2027. More information about the selection process and criteria If you are interested in applying to attend the conference, you can already prepare your application by checking the questions in the application form. If you have any questions about the conference, please contact AGENDA
eu cap network

3rd National Networks Meeting

The EU CAP Network and the Danish National Network are jointly organising the 3rd National Networks meeting in Denmark. It will take place on 20 and 21 March 2024
VIII Global Conference on Family Farming
Foro Rural Mundial

VIII Global Conference on Family Farming

VIII Global Conference on Family Farming: Sustainability of our Planet Since its inception, the World Rural Forum has held 8 Global Conferences on Family Farming. These conferences have been attended by hundreds of top-level representatives from governments, international organizations, research centers, organizations of family farmers, cooperatives and NGOs from the 5 continents. The debates generated have served to mark and emphasize priorities for action in favor of family farming, priorities that have been a clear reference at the international level. To consult the Agenda of the VIII Conference click here
european summit of region and cities
Comité de las Regiones de la Unión Europea

European Summit of Regions and Cities

The 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities will bring a new perspective on issues of concern to citizens, such as democracy, sustainable development, the future of the European Union and its enlargement, the need to ensure social, economic and territorial cohesion, and dealing with the consequences of the war against Ukraine. To consult the program click here
b trabvel

B-Travel. The new tourism show

B-Travel is the largest trade fair event in Spain aimed at the final travelling public, focusing on both B2B and B2C. The main travel agencies, hotels, cruise operators, transport companies and tourist service companies meet here. Public/private collaboration makes visible the full potential of domestic, rural, cultural, wine-food, industrial, active and sustainable tourism in Barcelona, Catalonia and the different autonomous communities of Spain, from weekend getaways to holidays in a nearby, safe and sustainable geographical area. To see the activities click here

Northern Food and Equipment Exhibition (SALENOR)

Professional meeting for hospitality, hotels, food and services To consult the program click here
9th National Rural Development Forum

IX National Forum on Rural Development

In this IX edition, the proposed theme is: “ AKIS. Consulting, information systems, innovation and agri-food knowledge ”. This event will show how all the tools and agents of the agri-food system are incorporated and articulated, and will also serve to share knowledge and experiences on how to improve agri-food innovation systems, from the point of view of both public and private professional activity. The aim of this new forum is to analyse the role played by AKIS in the innovation of agri-food systems and their impact on the economic and social development of the sector, as well as the role of advice within the AKIS system. Innovation systems are crucial to increasing the productivity, sustainability and competitiveness of agri-food and agri-industry. All activities carried out during the Forum can be followed IN PERSON by prior registration or by STREAMING on this same page. PROGRAM , here REGISTRATION AND CONTACT , here
FIMA poster

International Fair of Agricultural Machinery (FIMA)

FIMA Agrícola has established itself as one of the most important and internationally recognised events in the agricultural sector. The international focus of the Fair attracts exhibitors and visitors from all over the world, generating a diverse and dynamic platform for the exchange of ideas, business and collaborations. FIMA is also distinguished by its commitment to excellence and quality in the organisation of technical talks and parallel activities that complement the main exhibition. Its long history, experience and focus on technology and knowledge make it an essential space to discover the latest developments, establish business contacts and participate in the dialogue and advancement of the global agricultural industry. TECHNICAL SHEET , here ACCREDITATION , here CONTACT , here
Direct land management by agri-food cooperatives

Direct land management by agri-food cooperatives

The Chair of Agri-Food Cooperatives, in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana, Agro-Food Cooperatives of Spain and the C. Valenciana, organizes on June 16 in Paterna (Valencia), from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., a conference on direct land management by agri-food cooperatives. The conference has a hybrid format, it can be followed virtually by zoom (upon registration) and also in person at the Caixa Popular headquarters, in El Parc Tecnólógic de València. The event is sponsored by Caixa Popular. During the meeting, direct land management, legal, fiscal and labor issues will be presented in a round table conference. In addition, the experiences and good practices of agri-food cooperatives in land management will be discussed. PROGRAM Registration for the Conference - In-person Registration for the Conference - Online Agri-Food Cooperatives Chair Agri-food Cooperatives of Spain and the University of Valencia UVCátedras launched a Chair in 2018 to generate knowledge about agri-food cooperatives. The objectives of the Chair are to generate research, reflection and transmission of knowledge on legal and economic issues of cooperatives, to stimulate the study of issues that affect agri-food cooperatives and to disseminate the characteristics of this type of companies.

Green Week of Galicia 2023

The Abanca Semana Verde de Galicia fair will take place at the Feira Internacional de Galicia ABANCA , the largest exhibition park in the northwest of the peninsula. The venue is located in the town of Silleda , a stone's throw from its reference city, Santiago de Compostela. It has magnificent infrastructures: more than 400,000 m2 of surface, of which 35,000 m2 are used for exhibition covered (distributed in several pavilions) and 55,000 m2 outdoors, in addition to 27,000 m2 of green areas. Its pavilions, its auditorium, its multiple rooms and its outdoor spaces give it great versatility. Added to these are its large parking lots, a green ring, an artificial lake and even a heliport, which allows it to adapt to all types of events and needs.
olive branches

Iberian Congress of Rural Property 2022

The Congress is held with the intention of highlighting the rural real estate sector in Spain and Portugal, generating a space for communication and information in which the current situation of the rural real estate sector is discussed for its enhancement, and it is provided with transparency. and information of interest is shared from the best specialists. In-person and online mode Registration =>

National Environmental Congress

CONAMA 2022 puts the emphasis on transformation. It is not enough to show good practices. It is essential to attend to the impact of our strategies, of our projects: decarbonize the economy, stop the loss of biodiversity, reduce resource consumption and maximize efficiency, close cycles imitating nature, let biodiversity enter our cities, minimize the impact of our activities PROGRAM