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Herramienta Descripción Tipo de recurso Página web


Solution designed for agricultural companies, cooperatives, advisors and distributors

Mobile application, Web application


App of the Interprofessional Organization of Beef in Spain

Mobile application


Portal with a comparator of authorized phytosanitary products in conventional and organic/ecological/biodynamic agriculture, and seeds

Web application


APP developed specifically for the management of olive groves and farms producing nuts that allows for monitoring the profitability of each farm, the phytosanitary products used to…

Mobile application


Digital tool that allows for complete traceability in all processes and control of the costs associated with the activity, covering all functional areas of a production and marketing company.

Mobile application


Catalogue of short descriptions of successful case studies showing farmers, advisors and other actors working together on interactive innovation projects from different parts of Europe

Web application

Kaampo técnico

APP for those responsible for advising and/or auditing compliance with the different national and international certifications to have a quick and easy tool to streamline their work

Mobile application


Application that allows managing crops in a more comfortable and efficient way through the digital field notebook compatible with legal obligations, the real-time connection between farmer and…

Web application


App with functionalities for each stage of the crop production cycle , allowing the user to have layers of information and knowledge at the field level in a quick manner…

Mobile application


Solution that simplifies the administration of the agricultural company with a platform that allows managing employees, machinery and crops efficiently and in real time.

Mobile application, Web application


Official web tool to find out the legal registration of names of agricultural and food products, wines and spirits that are registered and protected throughout the EU

Web application


Agrovortic is a digital field notebook for any type of crop, which complies with the regulations of the MAPA (SIEX), Global GAP, organic farming and integrated production that allows management…

Mobile application


Solution that allows you to record all the mandatory information for completing the digital field notebook from sowing or planting to sale.

Mobile application

Smart Delivery - AGROBRIDGES

The “Smart delivery” tool is an online space to create local distribution systems for agri-food products using Food Marketing Channels.

Web application


The “agroBRIDGES Net” tool is an online space that brings together local agri-food stakeholders to cooperate and create Short Food Marketing Channels.

Web application

Decision Support Tool - AGROBRIDGES

The Decision Support Tool (DST) is an online space that helps farmers explore new business models and sales channels using Short Food Marketing Channels (SMCs).

Web application


Mapping tool



Digital intelligent assistant for recording and controlling all agricultural operations carried out on farms.

Web application


Free tool that allows you to manage sowing

Mobile application

VisorSIGPAC - Libreta de campo

SIGPAC Viewer is a fully native mobile application developed for Android to explore and view information on agricultural plots in the SIGPAC system, including a pack of useful PREMIUM tools for…

Mobile application