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Trufforum is an international cooperation initiative, conceived and promoted by the European Mycological Institute ( EMI ), which was created with the aim of promoting the responsible use of the European truffle in domestic and professional kitchens. …
Digitalisation in the agricultural sector is a crucial challenge, especially for a wide range of small and micro-sized agricultural companies (SMEs), as well as for the state administration, which must coordinate with the Autonomous Communities and the …
Conference organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, in collaboration with Corsevilla. The aim was to show examples of digitalisation in the field to encourage the expansion of innovation and technical development …
Improving the qualifications of professionals in the agri-food sector and rural areas Be aware of the general labelling requirements for agri-food companies to avoid errors or mistakes in the information provided that can cause serious harm to companies, …
The aim of this congress is to become a scientific and technical meeting between researchers, professionals in the agricultural sector, administrations, ecological companies and technology and is intended to become a space for analysis, by expert …
The 5th Professional Fair of Machinery, Agriculture and Livestock is a space for confluence, analysis and business that is already on the agenda of all professionals in the primary sector. An event whose recognition has been growing in parallel with its …
Program: 09.15 h Opening and welcome ceremony. Yolanda Preciado Moreno. Mayor of Alfaro. 09.30 h Pear rootstocks for efficient production in the face of current problems: rising costs and climate change. Dr. Ignasi Iglesias. Technical & Development …
The “SABOREA ANDALUCIA 2023” project was born from the concern, not only to make the heritage known gastronomic sector of Andalusia led by professionals, true connoisseurs of our culture, but also to promote national products in our community. It aims to …
During this session, the Recicland project will be presented , and theory will be taught on the environmental consequences of hazardous waste management and on the internal management of pesticide containers, broth residues, and expired or discontinued …
Do you want to dedicate yourself professionally to the production of organic and local food? Do you want to gradually convert your farm to organic farming? Do you want to get started in some of the techniques and possibilities offered by organic farming, …
Infoagro Exhibition is the perfect setting to showcase your products, as it will have all the agricultural agents present on the same stage. Farmers will be the key piece of this event and will be present to see what the new products are for the new …
The Aragonese Cluster of Agricultural and Livestock Production Means (CAMPAG) and the Technological Institute of Aragon ITA, are pleased to invite you to the Dialogue on “Agriculture of the future: Robotics and new solutions for the agri-food sector ”. We …
BIOTERRA is a meeting place and a tool that facilitates collaboration between people, exhibiting companies and visiting public, interested in ecological products, concerned about energy efficiency, self-consumption and responsible consumption. More than …
BioCultura, the largest fair for organic products and ecotourism in the country, will be held from 7 to 9 March 2025 at EXPOCoruña. It will bring together more than 150 exhibitors dedicated to the sectors of organic food (with more than 10,000 …
Expo AgriTech is the technological, industrial and innovation event for the agricultural sector that brings together industry leaders with the aim of helping farms improve their competitiveness and productivity. Expo AgriTech is a unique space for …