Agricultural pesticides - Basic level Training course 25 -hour course aimed at auxiliary personnel in land and air treatments, including non-agricultural ones, and farmers who carry out these treatments on their own farms without employing auxiliary personnel and using phytosanitary products that are not …
XI Congress "The future of cereal" Event The cooperative group Agropal and the specialized magazine Tierras (from Interempresas Media) are organizing the 2024 edition of the Congress "The future of cereal", which this year will feature Ramón Armengol , a prominent figure in Catalan and Spanish …
Renewal of the phytosanitary products handler card, San Carlos del Valle (Ciudad Real). Training course Course aimed at renewing the training of people who are in possession of phytosanitary product handler cards according to the level they require, updating their knowledge in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1311/2012, of September 14, which …
Technical workshop on pear cultivation Training course Training activity to share experiences and visit 5 farms in Lleida on the adaptation and behavior of the "Williams" and "Conference" pear varieties to different rootstocks. Contents Welcome to attendees and presentation of the day The problem of pear …
Food & AgriTech Europe (FATE) Hubs, Platforms and networks Association that brings together startups, companies, organizations and Agri&Foodtech professionals from Europe to promote innovation, collaboration and development in this sector … Food & AgriTech Europe …
FERCAM. 62nd National Manzanares Country Fair. Event The 62nd edition of the Feria Nacional del Campo (National Countryside Fair) will begin on June 26 in Manzanares. It is a meeting point for the sector with more than 42 million euros in merchandise on display and a program of more than forty activities …
Viruses to improve crops: a proposal by IBMCP (CSIC-UPV) News story A team of researchers from the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants (IBMCP) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) has published an article in the scientific journal 'Nature Reviews Bioengineering' in which they advocate the use …
From June 25 to July 3, registration period for RuralCat distance learning is open News story From June 25 to July 3, 2024, the registration period has opened for the next distance courses scheduled by Rural Cat, which will take place throughout the month of September: BASIC FITO. Basic level courses for manipulator and applicator of phytosanitary …
Dossier of supra-autonomous innovation projects Multimedia content Inventory of innovative projects implemented by supra-regional operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability of the National Rural Development Programme (PNDR) 2014-2022, submeasure 16.2. …
Innsomnia Trends Observatory: technologies in field fertilization Multimedia content Monograph on trends in fertilization. … Innsomnia Trends Observatory: technologies in field fertilization …
AKIS and advisory services in Spain Multimedia content Report on the characterization of AKIS, the different actors that comprise it and the relationships that exist between them. … AKIS and advisory services in …
Outreach and training programme on good agricultural practices (GAP) Multimedia content Document that brings together good agricultural practices within the framework of the Plan for improving efficiency and sustainability in irrigation. … Outreach and training programme on good agricultural practices …
Beekeeping classes Multimedia content Podcast that brings together information and classes on beekeeping. … Beekeeping classes …
Until October 21, the deadline for public consultation of the National Action Plan 2025-2029 on the sustainable use of phytosanitary products is open News story The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has opened the public consultation for the National Action Plan 2025-2029 on the sustainable use of phytosanitary products. This plan, framed within Royal Decree 1311/2012, represents a central axis in the …