Strategies to improve crop yields Training course Webinar. Strategies to improve crop yields Cases will be presented explaining how BeCrop® technology was used to develop effective strategies for promoting soil health with special attention to improved yields. It will focus on identifying the causes of …
eAtex. Food Innovation Hub by CNTA Hubs, Platforms and networks Collaborative innovation hub for the transfer and implementation of technology in the agri-food industry … eAtex. Food Innovation Hub by …
DATAlife Hubs, Platforms and networks Space dedicated to research, project generation, training, dissemination and transfer of knowledge related to Artificial Intelligence in Galicia. … …
DAY “PERTE Agri-food, key actions for the digital transformation of the agri-food sector” Event In this online informative day, the degree of implementation of the measures of greatest interest for the digitalization of the agri-food sector will be reported within the framework of the Agri-Food PERTE that was approved on February 8, 2022. DIARY: …
Advances, changes and innovations will take center stage at SEPOR News story The 55th Edition of SEPOR 2022 arrives with a program full of conferences, debates and activities that will once again position the fair as the nerve center of the entire livestock, agri-food and industrial sector in a panorama full of advances, changes …
Final conference of the Smart Rural 21 project Event The conference will present the final results of the Smart Rural 21 project , which is the result of intense collaboration with rural communities and other relevant stakeholders across Europe to realize Smart Villages on the ground for more than two …
Criteria for rehabilitating a home dedicated to rural tourism Training course Place of delivery: Former convent of San Sebastián, Los Silos Delivery period: 10-18-2022 / 10-18-2022 Teaching schedule: From 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Places available: 25 Amount: Gratuitous … Criteria for rehabilitating a home dedicated to rural …
Valorization and new market for sawn timber from Catalonia with special dimensions and characteristics Operational group The project to create a GO for the valorisation of Catalan wood of special dimensions and characteristics has had the participation of 4 partners, forming a public-private partnership. The initial idea was to prospect and carry out a qualitative diagnosis …
Increasing the competitiveness of Arbequina olive oils (GO Raise Arbequina) Operational group The main task of the Operational Group is to improve the solubilization of antioxidant compounds in Arbequina virgin olive oils through the use of agricultural practices. The following are the secondary tasks that are carried out: To transfer knowledge of …
To assess how super-chilling technique affects the quality of lamb meat (GO Frilamb) Operational group The Operational Group is led by the cooperative EA Group (EAGROUP), which is accompanied by the Regulatory Council of the PDO Cordero de Extremadura (CORDEREX) and the company Extrequipa SL (EXTREQUIPA). For the development of the future innovation …
Improving the organoleptic quality of cava produced in Extremadura (GO Pluscavex) Operational group Improving the organoleptic quality of cava produced in Extremadura (GO Pluscavex) … Improving the organoleptic quality of cava produced in Extremadura (GO …
Improving the production processes of companies in the food craft sector in Extremadura (GO Closing cycles) Operational group Improving the production processes of companies in the food craft sector in Extremadura (GO Closing cycles) … Improving the production processes of companies in the food craft sector in Extremadura (GO Closing …
Studies on the combination of post-harvest technologies that allow increasing the shelf life of fruit (plum and cherry) (GO Fruta Exporta) Operational group Studies on the combination of post-harvest technologies that allow increasing the shelf life of fruit (plum and cherry) (GO Fruta Exporta) … Studies on the combination of post-harvest technologies that allow increasing the shelf life of fruit (plum and …
Traceability in rice cultivation (GO Arrozorex) Operational group Traceability in rice cultivation (GO Arrozorex) … Traceability in rice cultivation (GO Arrozorex) …
Development of new technologies in cork stripping in Extremadura (GO NT Descorche) Operational group Development of new technologies in cork stripping in Extremadura (GO NT Descorche) … Development of new technologies in cork stripping in Extremadura (GO NT …