Improving agri-food marketing Training course Improvement of agri-food marketing. New concepts of agri-food marketing. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 964336620 | CEDES Segorbe, Plaza Almudín 1, 12400, Segorbe, Castellón … Improving agri-food …
Agri-food digital marketing: internet and social networks Training course Agri-food digital marketing: internet and social networks. Transform a traditional company. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 966907980 | OCA Villena Calle Poetisa Elena Montiel s/n, 03400, Villena, Alicante … Agri-food digital …
Agri-food digital marketing: internet and social networks Training course Agri-food digital marketing: internet and social networks. Transform a traditional company PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 964336620 | Oropesa Employment and Local Development Agency, Calle Pío XII 13, 12594, Oropesa, …
Precision viticulture Training course Fundamentals of Precision Viticulture.; Study of the soil, plant material and irrigation through precision viticulture.; Remote sensing in precision viticulture.; Impact of precision viticulture on the production process. PROGRAM | Carretera Vitoria, 2, …
Cost control in horticulture Training course Calculation of the initial investment, sizing according to needs, amortization of the investment, budgeting, cost estimates, monitoring, etc. PROGRAM | Garaiko Udaletxea - GARAY - BIZKAIA … Cost control in …
New regulations on the management of beef farms Training course Maximum production capacity. Minimum requirements: Infrastructure, equipment and management. Location and sanitary segregation of newly installed farms. Biosecurity, animal welfare, hygienic-sanitary conditions through the SIGE. Environmental conditions …
Incorporation into the agricultural company Training course Aimed at young people who do not have Agricultural Vocational Training and who are going to join the sector as agricultural entrepreneurs, or who want to access certain structural aid or acquire the Priority Exploitation qualification. PROGRAM | Contact: …
Yogurt and fermented milk technology Training course The course covers the knowledge of the physical-chemical and microbiological characteristics of yogurts and fermented milks and analyzes the production procedures. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | CONTACT: and 654826419 … Yogurt and fermented …
Rural Toolkit: Virtual guide to financing for rural areas News story The “ Rural Kit ” or “ Rural Toolbox ” ( Rural Toolkit ) is a digital platform serving as a guide that centralises the different types of financing that the European Union makes available to rural areas in the Community countries. Its objective is to help …
WTO final report sides with European Commission on Spanish black olives News story The Government welcomes the final report of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Compliance Panel requested by the European Commission in the dispute over Spanish black olives . The WTO report supports European arguments against the protectionist measures …
Extension of the deadline for the justification and request for payment of wine aid News story The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has extended by 30 days the deadline for the justification and request for payment of the first call for intervention in tangible and intangible investments in processing facilities and wine infrastructures, …
15th edition of the "Rural Women Innovation Excellence Awards" News story With the aim of recognising innovative projects developed by women in rural areas and actions that recognise their fundamental role in the territory, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is calling for the 15th edition of the " Awards of …
The Role of the Expert in Combined Agricultural Insurance: A Key Piece in the Protection of the Agricultural Sector Training course Technical conference on agricultural insurance with the participation of public institutions and expert experts. PROGRAM | REGISTRATIONS … The Role of the Expert in Combined Agricultural Insurance: A Key Piece in the Protection of the Agricultural …
Introduction to beekeeping Training course Theoretical-practical course lasting 40 hours in which the work in an apiary, spring and summer work, swarm formation, harvest preparation and production of monofloral honey is taught and shown. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | LOCATION | INFORMATION and CONTACT, …
Vegetable covers in vineyard. Keys for its implementation and development within the framework of the CAP eco-regimes Training course Theoretical and practical course in which the knowledge of plant covers in vineyards is deepened and the key aspects on how to successfully implement the covers, their management, moments of optimal control, specific machinery, as well as issues to take …