Dossier of supra-autonomous innovation projects Multimedia content Inventory of innovative projects implemented by supra-regional operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability of the National Rural Development Programme (PNDR) 2014-2022, submeasure 16.2. …
Agri-food. Sector report 2021. Moving towards sustainability Multimedia content Articles on the recovery of the sector, progress in the sector towards sustainability, the pig industry, and the wine sector. … Agri-food. Sector report 2021. Moving towards …
Comprehensive valorisation of by-products and co-products of Iberian pork (GO IBERVAL) Operational group Determination and selection of Iberian pork by-products and co-products with potential use for different purposes. Analysis of the main existing technologies and their application for each by-product and purpose. Technical, economic and environmental …
Biotechnology for traceability and genetic selection in Spanish minority pig breeds (GO BIO4TRACE) Operational group Determination of microsatellite profiles, SNPs and complete genome in minority breeds. Determination of fatty acid profile and IMF in meat from minority breeds; and relationship between objectively measurable stress and adaptation to the forest …
Digital twin for pig fattening coordination (GO DIGIT4PORK) Operational group Implementing a digital twin for the pork supply chain is an innovative approach to digitally transform and optimize the pork industry, delivering both economic and social benefits by improving operational efficiency, product quality and environmental …