Agro-food cooperatives Valencian community Hubs, Platforms and networks Platform for institutional representation, cooperative promotion, training, communication and business representation … Agro-food cooperatives Valencian …
The EU Agricultural Outlook 2022 Event Flagship annual event for broad exchanges between stakeholders on market outlook in agriculture 2022-2032 . This includes discussion of the political framework and uncertainties surrounding market developments over the next 10 years. This event brings …
Water Footprint in the Agri-Food Sector Event Water Footprint in the Agri-Food Sector. What is it, how to calculate it and why is it calculated? … Water Footprint in the Agri-Food …
eAtex. Food Innovation Hub by CNTA Hubs, Platforms and networks Collaborative innovation hub for the transfer and implementation of technology in the agri-food industry … eAtex. Food Innovation Hub by …
ENOFORUM 2024 Event Technical conference dedicated to the European viticultural and oenological sector. For 2 days you will be able to attend numerous presentations given by renowned researchers and technicians from around the world on the most current topics for the wine …
Presentation 'Irrigation and food security. The situation in Spain' Event Presentation of a collective work coordinated by experts from the Polytechnic University of Madrid , which highlights the strategic importance of irrigation in technological development, the agri-food economy and environmental sustainability in Spain, …
New agrovoltaic systems for the intelligent and sustainable production of vines (GO SOLARWINE) Operational group Thanks to the GO SOLARWINE innovation project, it is expected to achieve an energetic and agronomic evaluation of the agrovoltaic system, while increasing the economic benefit for the farm. … New agrovoltaic systems for the intelligent and sustainable …
Organic Food Iberia Event Professional fair with the latest trends in organic food and drinks (organic wine) … Organic Food Iberia …
Circular economy for the reuse of wine bottles in the wine sector (GO REBO2VINO) Operational group To analyse the feasibility of implementing a glass bottle reuse system in the wine industry at a national level, as a sectoral contribution to the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy. … Circular economy for the reuse of wine bottles in the wine sector (GO …
Report on Spanish supra-autonomous EIP-AGRI projects 2017-2022 Multimedia content The report summarizes the first funding period (2014-2022) of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-Agri) operational groups, implemented at supra-autonomous level in Spain. Since the launch of EIP-Agri …
Grups operatius a Catalunya. Call 2018 (Catalan) Multimedia content The Technical Dossier no. 123: “Grups operatius a Catalunya. Call 2018” is dedicated to the Groups Operatius developed within the framework of the CAP Strategic Plan (PEPAC 2023-2027), and includes the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems, also …
Operational Groups in Catalonia. Call for 2018 Multimedia content "Technical Dossier No. 123: “Operational groups in Catalonia. Call 2018” is dedicated to the Operational Groups developed within the framework of the CAP Strategic Plan (PEPAC 2023-2027), and taking into account the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation …
Dossier of supra-autonomous innovation projects Multimedia content Inventory of innovative projects implemented by supra-regional operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability of the National Rural Development Programme (PNDR) 2014-2022, submeasure 16.2. …
Study of economic and social sustainability of Spanish wine-related DDOOs Multimedia content The report identifies and provides DDOOs (Denominations of Origin) with a practical approach to understand, measure and report the degree of progress achieved by both the regulatory councils and the group of operators registered in their designations of …
Innovation project for the use of mycorrhizal fungi in the production of high-value wine in wineries in Castilla y León and La Rioja, in a climate change scenario. (GO MYCOWINE) Operational group The MYCOWINE project aims to innovate in vineyard nutrition to obtain, on the one hand, a higher quality product (grapes and wine) and, on the other hand, more biodiverse soils with greater resilience to the impacts of climate change, thus obtaining new …