Operational Groups in Catalonia. Call for 2018 Multimedia content "Technical Dossier No. 123: “Operational groups in Catalonia. Call 2018” is dedicated to the Operational Groups developed within the framework of the CAP Strategic Plan (PEPAC 2023-2027), and taking into account the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation …
Technological Platform for Dairy Products and Food Technologies Classroom Hubs, Platforms and networks Technological platform for innovation, research and development of dairy products and other foods … Technological Platform for Dairy Products and Food Technologies …
Sustainable management of waste and by-products in the dairy industry Training course 40-hour theoretical and practical online training that addresses the management of waste and by-products in the dairy industry. Content Introduction to sustainable management of waste and by-products – 5 hours Sustainability regulations and strategies – 5 …
Sustainable water management in the dairy industry Training course 40-hour theoretical and practical online training in which you will learn about the types of water consumption and discharges, treatment and management techniques, and the associated regulations in the dairy industry. Content Introduction to sustainable …
Planning and design of avocado and mango plantations Training course CONTENTS Culture medium and other conditions. Plant material. Cultivation system. Legal framework for agricultural production. Economic study of the exploitation. Plantation design. Carrying out the plantation. … Planning and design of avocado and mango …
Dossier of supra-autonomous innovation projects Multimedia content Inventory of innovative projects implemented by supra-regional operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability of the National Rural Development Programme (PNDR) 2014-2022, submeasure 16.2. …
Pascual Innoventures increases its investment in research into future foods to €2M with the third edition of Mylkcubator News story Pascual Innoventures , the Corporate Venturing arm of the Pascual Group, has increased its investment in research into innovative and sustainable foods, providing a total of 2 million euros over the first three editions of its Mylkcubator program. This …
Network of artisans who process and sell pasture milk Operational group Operational group that aims to create a network of artisan processors and sellers of pasture milk. For this purpose, threshold marking will be carried out to identify milk with the described healthy qualities, based on one or more parameters. The …
Promoting bean cultivation in Catalonia through innovative preserves for the Mongeta del Ganxet PDO Operational group Ganxet beans are a quality legume that is highly appreciated by consumers, but they are rarely sold in canned form. This is because the techniques used in canning, especially sterilisation, profoundly alter their organoleptic characteristics and make them …
Innovation in livestock manure management Operational group The new fertilisation model that the Department of Agriculture is currently developing will establish new obligations in the management of manure, some of which are already in force, and which will undoubtedly imply a change in the current operation of …
Genetic improvement of the Friesian breed cow in Cadí SCCL farms Operational group This project involves a player from the food industry in the dairy sector (Cadí SCCL), a local dairy cattle farmers' association (Asociación Frisona del Alt Urgell y Cerdanya AFAUC) which is currently part of a Catalan federation (Federación de Frisona de …
Presentation of an INLAC report on sustainability in the dairy sector Event The report “ What matters is milk: Roadmap for a dairy sector that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable ” will be presented on July 4 in Madrid. Promoted by the Interprofessional Láctea ( InLac ), the study has been coordinated by …
Presentation of the results of the “ARISTEO. Andalusian cheeses 4.0” Operational Group News story The University of Córdoba was the chosen venue for the closing day of the ARISTEO Operational Group , an initiative that has promoted the modernisation of the Andalusian cheese sector through the incorporation of innovative technologies. This project, …
Analysis of needs and opportunities associated with the digitalization of the Spanish agri-food sector Multimedia content Presentation of the Study Analysis of needs and opportunities associated with the digitalization of the Spanish agri-food sector. … Analysis of needs and opportunities associated with the digitalization of the Spanish agri-food …
Application of innovative strategies in the Spanish dried fig sector for maximum hygiene and sanitary quality (GO HIGOS) Operational group Application of agronomic tools for the control of parasites and mycotoxigenic moulds in adaptive and demonstration plots. Innovative tools for optimal harvesting and first handling. Management guidelines and establishment of preventive measures during …