Organic Food Iberia 2023 Event Celebrate the world of natural and ecological in one place. Discover the new trends in the organic sector. Find the latest in health and wellness, beauty, skincare, textiles, home and cleaning products from all regions of Spain and Portugal. Participate …
eAtex. Food Innovation Hub by CNTA Hubs, Platforms and networks Collaborative innovation hub for the transfer and implementation of technology in the agri-food industry … eAtex. Food Innovation Hub by …
Barrax - Rural Innovation Hub Hubs, Platforms and networks Hub where research sessions, business meetings, professional networking, raising European funds, information and experimentation are promoted. … Barrax - Rural Innovation …
GOFAGUS: new Spanish case study selected by i2connect to learn from the process that generates interactive innovation between different countries News story GOFAGUS is the new Spanish case study selected by a panel of experts from the European project i2connect, funded by Horizon 2020, which, through an exchange of knowledge between countries, analyses interactive innovation with peer review. It allows …
AETC Hubs, Platforms and networks Association of cereal technicians Objectives: Promote the interaction of professionals in the cereal value chain through the development of collaborative initiatives between them … …
Wheat production in the 21st century Event Dolors Villegas Tor , a renowned CSIC researcher at the Aula Dei Experimental Station (EEAD-CSIC), will be in charge of giving the third lecture of the first cycle of CSIC lectures "What do we know about...?" in Jaca , Huesca. Villegas specializes in …
Gene identified that controls flower and fruit production in leguminous plants News story The study Analysis of pea mutants reveals the conserved role of FRUITFULL controlling the end of flowering and its potential to boost yield led by Cristina Fernández of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants (CSIC-UPV) observes for the …
Transfer Day. National Panel of the CARINA Project Event CARINA is a four-year transnational Innovation Action (until October 2026), supported by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme. The project focuses on new sustainable and diversified agricultural systems, including two new oilseed crops, …
Blockchain certification of the traceability of extra virgin olive oil from traditional olive groves (AOVE Tradicional) Multimedia content Creation of a blockchain tool that offers consumers confidence and a quality product produced in traditional olive groves and on farms with advice on economics and environmental sustainability. … Blockchain certification of the traceability of extra …
Development of high-quality food proteins through sustainable production and processing of legume crops (PROTEINLEG) Multimedia content Recovery and enhancement of traditional legume crop varieties to increase crop diversification and obtain grains/seeds with optimum quality and development of new product ranges. … Development of high-quality food proteins through sustainable production …
Circular economy for the reuse of wine bottles in the wine sector (REBO2VINO) Multimedia content To analyse the feasibility of implementing a glass bottle reuse system in the wine industry at a national level as a sectoral contribution to the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy. … Circular economy for the reuse of wine bottles in the wine sector …
Study of the efficacy of innovative biostimulants derived from microalgae to combat the adverse effects of climate change in tomato and wheat (MICROCLIMATT) Multimedia content Efficacy of microalgae biostimulants through demonstrative trials (phenotypic, physiological and transcriptomic) in the fight against the effects of climate change in wheat and tomato. … Study of the efficacy of innovative biostimulants derived from …
CARBOCERT Task Force. Quantification and Certification of Organic Carbon in Mediterranean Agricultural Soils Multimedia content Establish methodologies that allow for the accounting of the increase in carbon in agricultural soils and in fixed and lasting structures as a result of the application of sustainable agronomic practices. … CARBOCERT Task Force. Quantification and …
Operational Group for the detection and eradication of bitter almonds. Project to improve the competitiveness of the national almond sector. Multimedia content Development of systems that can be used on an agricultural, productive and industrial scale to detect and eliminate bitter almonds. … Operational Group for the detection and eradication of bitter almonds. Project to improve the competitiveness of the …