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SMILE-DIH (Smart Manufacturing Innovation for Lean Excellence center - Digital Innovation Hub)

Location: Italia
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Smile-DIH (Smart Manufacturing Innovation for Lean Excellence Center) is a digital innovation center (DIH), accredited and operational at European level, founded in Parma in 2018, in the form of a non-profit association (legally recognized), by Unione Parmense Degli Industriali and Università di Parma. Smile-DIH is part of I4MS (European DiH Network) and the Italian DIH confindustria network and is capable of supporting technology transfer between research centers (universities, competence centers, institutes and private organizations) and manufacturing industries. (particularly SMEs and Mid-Caps), as well as public administrations, to change their business models through: the digitalization of operational processes to make them more efficient and functional; The implementation of innovative and Lean methodologies, supported by smart technologies, such as cyber-physical system (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT and IIoT), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics (autonomous and collaborative), cybersecurity, Computing high performance (HPC).

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