Use of geographic information in agri-food cooperatives in ArcGis Hub environment
By virtue of the execution of non-regulated training actions and acquisition of skills in digitalization within the digitalization package promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain - through their Federations and Territorial Unions, FUTs - launches a program of training and knowledge transfer actions for the acquisition of skills in digitalization.
This training program is aimed at the agronomic services of agri-food cooperatives, as well as the professional workers of the Territorial Federations and Unions (FUTs) of most of the national territory.
The objectives of said program are:
• Understand the importance of geographic data for the agricultural sector
• Know the geographical information available in the digital exploitation notebook.
• Learn to consult and exploit the information from the SIEX, SIGCEX field notebook and other platforms (e.g. Espacio SIAR, Living Atlas, AEMET, administration web services, etc.).
• Understand and create maps
• Present geographic information to support agronomic decision making
• Learn to use the analysis tools for Creator users in ArcGIS Online
• Learn to perform analysis and monitoring of the state of vegetation and crops (geoprocessed Sentinel images)
• Prepare the geographic data necessary to implement field data collection workflows
• Use mobile applications to capture pest and disease data
• Create personalized surveys for data collection
• Track captured data using dashboards.
Typology of actions
The professionals subject to this training will be workers in the agronomic services of cooperative companies. An effort will be made to have a special impact on the group of women and young people.
The courses will last one week in synchronous online format with 5 sessions of 4 hours each. The sessions are listed below.
1. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied to the agricultural sector.
2. Query agricultural data in ArcGIS Hub
3. Editing and analysis of agricultural information
4. Creation of digital maps and Story Map
5. Advanced techniques and licensing
More information and program
This service is 80% co-financed by the EAFRD and 20% by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in total Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain will receive a total amount of up to €184,125 in 2022-23.
EU :
Cooperatives interested in carrying out training activities can request more information by contacting:
- Agro-food cooperatives of Spain.
- Contact person: Carmen Martínez Ramiro, Head of Training Department.
- Email:
- Tel.: 91.535.10.35