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Farming and livestock farms: Production, innovation, advice and marketing (MOOC)

Modality: OnlineFormación continua
Location: MOOC


The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the functioning of advisory systems within the framework of the latest CAP reform. The course will provide in-depth knowledge of the essential elements of this policy, as well as other useful subjects for modernising and improving the competitiveness of farms.

COORDINATOR: Cecilia Bretal Koenig

OBJECTIVES: To provide an overview of how advisory systems work. To understand the essential elements of the latest CAP reform. To gain a deeper understanding of the elements of this policy, as well as other useful subjects for modernising and improving the competitiveness of farms.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Active farm advisors and professionals interested in developing in this field. Personnel from Regional Agricultural Offices, Professional Agricultural Organizations, cooperatives, etc.


1. Overview and practical cases of advice.

2 The CAP Strategic Plan for the period 2023-2027.

3. Innovation and digitalization.

4. Environmental aspects.

5. Other aspects: MAPA actions in favor of women, marketing, etc.


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