Incidence and biological control of Thrips parvispinus and red spider. 2024/25 campaign
Specialized face-to-face training that will address the incidence and biological control of Thrips parvispinus and red spider in the 2024/25 campaign
The effects that the pests Thrips parvispinus and Tetranychus urticae are causing in pepper crops and the strategy for their control within Integrated Pest Management will be presented.
In recent months, the presence of Thrips parvispinus in pepper crops has been quite significant, causing the premature termination of many of them due to the serious damage it causes to the vegetative development of the plant and to the fruits, depreciating their value and making their marketing difficult. Another pest is Tetranychus urticae , favoured by periods of high temperatures and low humidity during the agricultural campaign.
In this face-to-face session, an assessment of these pests in recent months will be made, and the best strategy for their control will be shared, within an Integrated Pest Management .
Among other issues, topics such as:
- Adjustments in the integrated control strategy for Thrips parvispinus
- Performance of the administration in the control of phytosanitary products
- Insecticide resistance management for chemical control of new invasive thrips
- Population dynamics of Thrips parvispinus and its natural enemies in pepper
- Climate control to promote good establishment of biological control in greenhouse crops
- Cultural measures that promote biological control in crops under plastic
There will also be two round tables with different participants.