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Pruning stone fruit trees

Start date: 10/02/2025
Ending date: 20/02/2025
Modality: In person
Autonomous community: Extremadura
Province: Badajoz
Location: C.F.M.R. VILLAFRANCA C/ Varales, s/n: Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz).


32-hour afternoon stone fruit pruning course.

Observations: Courses co-financed by FEADER (85%), Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (3.72%) and Regional Government of Extremadura (11.28%) based on the continuous training programme of the General Directorate of Rural Development contemplated in the RDP of Extremadura, Measure M01 "Actions for the transfer of knowledge and information" Submeasure 1.1 "Support for vocational training and skills acquisition actions".

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