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Basic course on occupational risk prevention in the agricultural sector

Start date: 28/11/2024
Ending date: 18/12/2024
Modality: Online


Addressed to:

Business owners in the agricultural and livestock sector who personally undertake preventive activities on their farms, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 39/1997.
Workers in the sector who perform basic level functions in occupational risk prevention.
People who want to acquire basic knowledge in occupational risk prevention in the agricultural and livestock sector.


To train participants to perform basic level functions in occupational risk prevention, in accordance with the provisions of Article 35 of Royal Decree 39/1997.
Develop skills to collaborate in the identification and control of general and specific risks in agricultural and/or livestock operations.
Promote cooperation with prevention services to ensure integrated preventive management.
Promote safe behavior in the agricultural and livestock work environment.


Topic 1. Basic concepts on safety and health at work.
Work and Health: Occupational Hazards. Risk Factors.
Work-related injuries. Work-related accidents and occupational diseases. Other work-related pathologies.
Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention. Basic rights and duties in this area.
Topic 2. General risks and their prevention.
Risks linked to safety conditions.
Risks linked to the work environment.
Workload, fatigue and job dissatisfaction.
Elementary risk control systems. Collective and individual protection.
Emergency and evacuation plans.
Monitoring workers' health.
Topic 3. Specific risks and their prevention in the sector corresponding to the company's activity.
Topic 4. Basic elements of risk prevention management.
Public bodies related to Occupational Health and Safety.
Organization of preventive work: basic “routines”.
Documentation: collection, preparation and archiving.
Topic 5. First aid.

Price: 170€

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